Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Snake Sum Sudoku 2

(Published on 30. June 2020, 00:00 by Quarterthru)

Snake Sum Sudoku 2

Normal sudoku rules apply except that the regions are irregular.

Additionally, a snake has to be drawn into the grid. The head and tail of the snake are in the two cells with the grey circles. The snake may not touch itself orthogonally, but it can touch itself diagonally.

The clues outside the grid indicate the sum of the digits located on the snake in the corresponding row/column. Considering "Snake" and "non-snake" as two colors, the given digits show how many cells orthogonally connected to the given are of a different color to the color of the given cell itself. All such possible digits are shown. NOTE: Digits placed by the solver CANNOT be true or they would have been given

Givens can be on or off the snake. Here is a link to the puzzle on penpa

Here is a link to the puzzle on f-puzzles

Sample Puzzle

Solution code: All digits Row 2 and Column 6

Last changed on on 26. May 2021, 06:51

Solved by cdwg2000, Ninja94, Prongs, Jesper, henrypijames, ArchonE, NikolaZ, zorant, marcinj, marcmees, bob, rimodech, moss, Mody, pandiani42, jsh, puzzlemuncher69, polar, dagwosh, MagnusJosefsson, clover, bigger, Daneel4, Mark Sweep, PixelPlucker, sandmoppe, Krokant
Full list


on 26. May 2021, 06:51 by Quarterthru
Added f-puzzles solving link

on 25. July 2020, 08:54 by Mody

on 11. July 2020, 21:22 by marcmees
very nice

Last changed on 2. July 2020, 22:42

on 1. July 2020, 17:23 by henrypijames
I like the strong interplay between the snake and the sudoku - the fact that the solution path requires you to switch between them several times. In this regard, this puzzle feels like an improvement from the first one.

on 1. July 2020, 16:50 by Quarterthru
fixed german solution code

on 1. July 2020, 11:06 by henrypijames
The German version has a wrong description of the solution code! I was going crazy after tripple-ckecking my solution.

on 30. June 2020, 01:31 by Quarterthru
Added German Google translated rules I apologize if they are not great.

on 30. June 2020, 01:18 by Quarterthru
Added sample puzzle

on 30. June 2020, 01:06 by Quarterthru
Yes, the sum of the digits on the snake in that row total 39. Leaving 6 not on the snake. Total of row/column is 45. These are not sandwiches.

Last changed on 30. June 2020, 02:43

on 30. June 2020, 00:53 by Big Tiger
How is a 39 on the outside clues possible? Aren't we still constrained to 1-9 as the digits of each of those rows?

**** Oh, duh, right, each can go to 45. I've been making puzzles using Battlefield logic, so my mind was in an entirely different way of thinking. All good!

Rating:99 %
Solved:27 times
Observed:8 times

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