Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Orthogonal Sums Sudoku

(Published on 26. June 2020, 00:41 by emmettcito)

This is my first puzzle on this site. I hope you all enjoy it

Rules: All standard sudoku rules apply. Additionally the number in each shaded cell in the grid is the sum of all of its orthogonal neighbors (adjacent cells). A cell not being shaded does not mean that it is not the sum of its orthogonal neighbors.

Solution code: The 8th column from top to bottom.

Last changed on on 27. June 2020, 14:55

Solved by dm_litv, Rollo, cdwg2000, marcinj, SenatorGronk, keelyc27, Eggr, Richard, Pocalypse, Joe Average, NikolaZ, Geocrafter57, skywalker, Ninja94, saskia-daniela, Quarterthru, Ragna, boredduck, marcmees, Hasenvogel, zorant, ManuH, bob, Vebby, Phistomefel, Bobbobert, dennischen
Full list


on 10. July 2022, 09:58 by Vebby
Excellent puzzle!

on 27. June 2020, 14:55 by emmettcito
Added German translation.

Last changed on 27. June 2020, 05:48

on 27. June 2020, 05:43 by glum_hippo
Welcome to the site! You can remove the 'English language required' tag. Here is a German translation:

Dies ist mein erstes Rätsel. Ich hoffe, daß es Euch gefällt.

Regeln: es gelten die üblichen Sudoku-Regeln. Zusätzlich beinhaltet jede schattierte Zelle die Summe der orthogonal benachbarten Zellen. Nicht alle möglichen Zellen sind schattiert.

Rating:89 %
Solved:27 times
Observed:8 times

Puzzle variant Arithmetic puzzle

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