Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Fillomino Sudoku

(Published on 19. June 2020, 00:41 by Carrick22)

Fillomino Sudoku

In this puzzle, each row, column and 3x3 region must contain digits from the given list.

For a given digit N, N must appear N times in each house (row/column/region). Within a 3x3 region, all N digits must form a single orthogonally connected area.

See the example with the numbers 2 and 3 :

Here is the puzzle with the digits 3 and 4. Note : Xs can be separated within a region.

You can use Penpa-edit for solving it on your browser.

Solution code: Row 3, followed by column 8.

Solved by MartinR, stefliew, cam, saskia-daniela, cdwg2000, zorant, derwolf23, NikolaZ, cornuto, AquaFrewall, moss, dm_litv, lutzreimer, Nylimb, amitsowani, Julianl, Yohann, Lagavulin, geronimo92, ... Terrapin, Carolin, yusuf17, patolucatis, Javier Rebottaro, Drawoon, Gota, Dez256, Titatovenoor, drf93, Jrgamer4u, bereolosp, Supertaster, Uattanscethe09, drifting, yayitsHannaH, Jastucreudo
Full list


on 23. November 2020, 02:53 by justnow
Enjoyed this one very much. Not very hard after re-reading rules few times

Last changed on 19. June 2020, 17:46

on 19. June 2020, 17:43 by geronimo92
Sorry but this is not a sudoku at all.....

- I did not create this variant, and the first name I found was "Fillodoku". It does not solve like a sudoku, but was a comination of a sudoku grid and other puzzles. The name can get confusing. -Carrick22

Rating:74 %
Solved:110 times
Observed:13 times

Puzzle variant Filling puzzle

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