Rules Set:
Normal sudoku rules apply.
Numbers outside the grid refer to the sum of numbers between 1 and 9 in that row or column. Some sandwich constraints are not given, but for each row and column, the sum of cells sandwiched between the digits 1 and 9 is a prime number and needs to be deduced.
Additionally, the digits 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 and 9 follow the anti-knight constraint. For each of these digits, a cell containing that digit cannot have the same digit a knight's move away.
The solution of this puzzle was generated by a computer, but the starting digits were handpicked and tested to allow for a fun solve. This is my first puzzle, any feedback is highly appreciated.
Solution code: Column 4, including the sandwich constraint. (Top down)
on 17. July 2020, 21:39 by Nothere
@s4rify: Hast Du die zusätzliche Zahl "am oberen Rand" im Lösungscode angegeben?