Seelenverwandtschaftsthermosudoku - Soul mates 6x6 Irregular Thermo Sudoku
(Published on 18. June 2020, 22:14 by olima)
The buddies Linus and Ronny created almost identical 6x6-Sudoku grids, in which the digits have to increase along the thermometers. They are puzzled, because in their solutions only the given digits are identical, all the others are different.
P. S.: As a funny side note - both sudokus have unique solutions, even without comparing the values of both grids and even without any given digits. But I've thought it is still devilish enough like that. ;-)
Solution code: The second row of both grids followed by the first column of both grids.
Solved by Krokant, Statistica, zorant, NikolaZ, SirWoezel, sf2l, Prongs, pippilotta, moss, japoorva, Ragna, rimodech, karen_birgitta, Fredo, rcg, Zzzyxas, skywalker, Luigi, Richard, marcmees, r45, ch1983, bob, zhergan, geronimo92, ThrowngNinja, ArchonE, cdwg2000, Uhu, 0123coolkid, ManuH
on 23. June 2020, 13:27 by olima
@Luigi: Gerne. :-)
on 22. June 2020, 08:29 by Luigi
Uff..... Danke!
on 22. June 2020, 00:15 by olima
Luigi, Du warst doch schon so nah an der Lösung... auf geht's.