Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Little Thermo Killer

(Published on 19. June 2020, 23:30 by Jesper)

- Normal Sudoku rules apply.
- The numbers along a thermometer increase, starting from the bulb end.
- Numbers outside the grid give the sum of all digits along the indicated diagonal.

Penpa+: Little Thermo Killer

SudokuPad: Little Thermo Killer

Solution code: row 1 and column 1 (18 digits, no comma or spaces)

Last changed on on 7. September 2023, 16:27

Solved by Zzzyxas, zhergan, SirWoezel, ben3536, Madmahogany, Richard, 9797, Luigi, DiMono, pandiani42, 97johny, emmettcito, Greg, geronimo92, Xavien , L77059, pdebruine, Player, Mody, zorant, anu_chakravarti, ... udukos, Vebby, Mark Sweep, stimim, StefanSch, aholst, Gliperal, StephenR, OGRussHood, Agent, Christounet, lerroyy, Muhammad, Snookerfan, Sewerin, billy49, Willy Wonka, starelev5, SKORP17, arteful
Full list


Last changed on 10. October 2023, 15:52

on 10. October 2023, 15:52 by Snookerfan
Great puzzle! It took me ages to spot the trick, but when I did it was very satisfying. Thank you

on 14. August 2023, 20:09 by Christounet
Elegance !
Loved what you did with these diagonals, and I'm usually not a fan of LK. But here, you worked magic ! Thanks :)

Last changed on 26. January 2023, 14:07

on 26. January 2023, 12:22 by StephenR
This is one of the most taxing sudokus I've ever done. After a while it started to look familiar and I realised I had attempted it almost 3 years earlier when it was featured on CTC, and failed. This time I succeeded, which suggests some degree of improvement! The idea at the heart of this puzzle is beautiful, thanks.

on 9. September 2021, 19:11 by Mark Sweep
Beautiful puzzle! Clever use of this combination of variants

on 7. October 2020, 07:14 by cdwg2000

on 20. August 2020, 01:03 by Qodec
Wow. What a beautiful and brutal masterpiece this is. Unbelievable!

on 9. July 2020, 14:45 by Mody
Unglaubliches Rätsel. Man ist richtig glücklich, nachdem man es gelöst hat.

on 4. July 2020, 02:41 by Greg
This deserves more solves. Incredible puzzle.

on 3. July 2020, 20:03 by emmettcito
That was a tricky entrance. Very satisfying to solve this one.

on 28. June 2020, 09:14 by DiMono
This puzzle has a really elegant solution. It made me happy to find it. Nicely done!

on 26. June 2020, 11:53 by Jesper
@Richard You're welcome! And thanks for solving.

on 26. June 2020, 06:09 by Richard
Thanks for a very nice and fully logical puzzle!

on 25. June 2020, 16:05 by Jesper
@Madmahogany Thanks, and well done! It makes me really happy that some puzzle solvers are discovering the idea at the heart of this puzzle!

on 25. June 2020, 15:54 by Madmahogany
Wow! I returned to this puzzle after a few days and saw that I was on the right track. This was very very satisfying. Really deserves more solves!

on 21. June 2020, 14:16 by Richard
I agree with you Jesper, puzzles should be solved by as many players as possible.
Personally, I think the portal can't handle 240 new puzzles per month. Since this is not the appropriate place to discuss this, I have written something in the forum about it. I hope to see some response to that. You can find it here:

on 21. June 2020, 12:42 by Jesper
@Everyone: 2 solves after 36 hours is less than I expected. Maybe the start is harder to spot than I had anticipated. I want to make clear that though it may look hard to break into this puzzle, the intended method does not require hard work, but rather the right idea. If you like, ask me for a small hint in a hidden comment. I want as many people as possible to be able to enjoy this puzzle.

on 21. June 2020, 12:34 by Jesper
@zhergan: Thanks for solving. I'm really glad that you liked the puzzle!

on 21. June 2020, 01:58 by zhergan
Very nice :) Thanks..

Rating:95 %
Solved:53 times
Observed:9 times

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