Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

FROG* Sudoku

(Published on 17. June 2020, 04:22 by Tricorn)

FIXED 2020-06/19

Thematic rules:

The numbers outside the grid denote the sum of digits in that row/column that lie between the 1 and 9 in that row/column. (Sandwich Sudoku)

Traffic is speeding across this many lane highway and you must carefully navigate traffic and guide your little FROG* safely across to the pond without getting squashed! Your FROG* appears on the highway as the number “9” and must travel up the grid from the bottom to the top, exiting at the arrow. However your FROG* must dodge the cars on the road designated by the numbers 1 – 8 which are how fast the car is going (1 = slow, 8 = fast). The direction the cars are moving are shown by the arrows.

In order to dodge the cars, your FROG* will always move a number of squares equal to (9 – X) in the direction of the arrow before moving up to the next row where X is the speed of the closest car approaching your FROG*. If your FROG* is at the edge of the road, use the Sandwich clue on that row as the speed instead.

The speed of the cars behind the closest approaching car must be descending.

Finally, the car immediately ahead of your FROG* in a row must always be faster than the car immediately behind.


This example is not realistic, but it illustrates the movement rules for the "9".

Lets assume that row 9 is valid (it isn't because of the sandwich clue, but we will use this as a starting point). The "6" has been placed just before the "9" in row 9 col 4 (following the direction of the arrow). This fixes the position of the 9 in row 8 by moving it (9-6=3) columns over following the arrow, and placing it in col 7.

Then in row 8 the same thing happens in the opposite direction. The "5" forces the 9 over (9-5=4) 4 columns and places it in column 3 in the row above.

Up near the top of the grid there is an example of a 9 appearing on the edge of the grid. The "3" sandwich clue forces the 9 over (9-3=6) columns in row 1.

Solution code: Enter the digits from column 2 from top to bottom.

Last changed on on 19. June 2020, 16:55

Solved by DukeBG, NikolaZ, zorant, SudokuExplorer
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on 9. September 2020, 22:55 by SudokuExplorer
Lovely concept! That was very fun once I understood the rules. :-)
It's unfortunate that this puzzle got lost in the traffic of sudokus, but at least the frog survived.

The only critique I would give is that there were multiple solutions, so I've added an extra clue (which will satisfy the solution code).
Do try this puzzle on Penpa+: https://tinyurl.com/y3bgxbng

on 29. June 2020, 15:51 by RockyRoer
@DukeBG for me, it’s a matter of simply being “lost in the flood”. There’s so many good sudoku and so little time. It’s on my list of ones to come back to—now that it has been reworked. But to even find it you have to scroll back several pages now.

on 29. June 2020, 14:58 by DukeBG
This has to have more solves. It's not hard at all. I feel like people are just scared by the ruleset.

on 19. June 2020, 16:58 by Tricorn
UPDATED 2020-06-19, resolved rule conflict issue, modified clue set, and re-validated solution.

on 19. June 2020, 16:58 by Tricorn
UPDATED 2020-06-19, resolved rule conflict issue, modified clue set, and re-validated solution.

Rule revision: If the 9 is placed on one of the outermost columns and there is no sandwich clue, then the sandwich value must be calculated.

on 17. June 2020, 18:13 by Tricorn
RockyRoer - You are correct! Darn it, there's a mistake. A rule break that I and my initial testers didn't catch on to. Thank you, I'm going to have to remove this puzzle and rework it.

on 17. June 2020, 16:40 by Tricorn
If the 9 is on the edge of the grid, the sandwich clue is still a sandwich clue - but it is also used to position the 9 on the row above.

And yes, you are correct. The 9 will never appear on the edge of the grid in a row if there is no number there.

on 17. June 2020, 16:36 by Tricorn
Added an example of how the 9 moves up the grid.

on 17. June 2020, 15:28 by Luigi
Sorry, can you add a visual example?
I do not really understand the ruleset.

Last changed on 17. June 2020, 14:14

on 17. June 2020, 14:00 by RockyRoer
I'm a little confused -- can you clarify something? If there was a 9 in row 9 column 1, would I have to move 3 spaces to the right, or 9-3 = 6 spaces to the right?

Also, if you are on the edge, do you use the number as a speed INSTEAD of as a sandwich clue, or is it also a sandwich clue?

Also, am I right to assume that if there ISN'T a sandwich clue on the outside, then the 9 can't be on the edge in that row? I've tried to place 9's in R2C9 and R8C9 and both lead to contradictions in (my interpretation of) the rules.

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Observed:12 times

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