Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

(Schere, Stein, Papier) Rock Paper Scissors #2

(Published on 16. June 2020, 18:07 by RockyRoer)

In the game Rock, Paper, Scissors (RPS) two players each choose to play either Rock, Paper, or Scissors to determine who wins. If both players choose the same thing, its a tie. Otherwise:

  • Rock beats ("crushes") scissors
  • Paper beats ("covers") rock
  • Scissors beats ("cuts through") paper
Link to f-puzzles

In this sudoku puzzle, normal sudoku rules apply.

In addition, many rounds of RPS have been played between numbers in neighboring cells. The rock, paper, and scissors symbols that are shown between cells indicate which cells played and who won. (Note, not every combination of cells chose to play -- sometimes numbers were busy, scared, tired, or simply preferred to watch instead.) No ties are shown.

The numbers consistently chose the same thing every time they played, although we obviously don't know choice each number made, but I'm sure you can figure that out. (e.g. if 3 played rock, it played rock every time it played.)

Remarkably, and importantly, each number won exactly the number of games equal to itself. (e.g. 5 won five games total...)

I found it helpful to use three colored pencils to shade the boxes when solving.

Solution code: Row 3 followed by column 5

Last changed on on 5. February 2021, 01:25

Solved by karen_birgitta, Svanemamma, Yohann, cdwg2000, Krokant, moss, zorant, NikolaZ, bob, Richard, skywalker, SudokuExplorer, Narayana, ParaNox, stilgar02, Mody, sandmoppe, Vebby, zrbakhtiar
Full list


on 24. March 2023, 13:35 by Vebby
Penpa+ link with answer check:

on 14. July 2021, 03:02 by ParaNox
This took me much longer than I expected but it was really fun and creative. Thanks for this puzzle! :)

Last changed on 5. February 2021, 11:33

on 5. February 2021, 07:48 by Narayana
I am glad I saw the message by S-Explorer and reply otherwise I might have not run into this super creative nice puzzle.
8x8 latin rectangles/Sudokus are usually not that popular but this one definitely holds its ground against any nice 3-stared 9x9.

@RR is there going to be a sequel, Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock? :)

Reply: Actually... there is one, but it had multiple solutions and I never went back to fix it. I'll be sure to let you know if it ever sees the light of day again. :-)

on 5. February 2021, 01:25 by RockyRoer
Added link to f-puzzles! Thanks to sudokuexplorer!

Last changed on 5. February 2021, 01:19

on 5. February 2021, 01:12 by SudokuExplorer
Very enjoyable concept! Thanks RockyRoer for the fun one :-)

Here's a f-puzzles link: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=y29fn982

Awesome! Glad you enjoyed it, and i think you brought it to rating level! I'll add the link too! :-)

on 16. June 2020, 19:05 by RockyRoer
edited tags

Last changed on 16. June 2020, 20:39

on 16. June 2020, 18:48 by Rollo
Looks interesting!

Rating:89 %
Solved:19 times
Observed:10 times

Puzzle variant Special knowledge

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