Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Anti-Knight Killer Sudoku - XL cages

(Published on 12. June 2020, 12:17 by Phistomefel)

This puzzle is a killer sudoku with an additional anti-knight constraint.

The usual sudoku rules apply. Additionally, cells that are exactly a knight's move away from each other, may not contain the same digit. An area surrounded by a dashed line will be called a cage. Digits may not repeat within a cage. A number in the top left corner of a cage indicates the sum of all digits in this cage.

The cage without given number is not necessary for the solution, but because of the symmetry I just did not have the heart to leave it out completely.

The puzzle is also available online via f-puzzles. Have fun solving!

The puzzle is also available online via Penpa-Edit.

Solution code: 3rd row and 3rd column

Last changed on on 21. August 2021, 18:48

Solved by Carrick22, mandourin, SirWoezel, cdwg2000, Julianl, Jesper, Prasanna16391, Rotstein, Greg, Richard, MartinR, zhergan, Ninja94, marcinj, marcmees, SlowLarry, jkl, kishy72, Puzzle_Maestro, Ragna, Mody, ... rmahus, P12345, Sewerin, karlmortenlunna, pirofenix, Nadav, jseng, luuu, PsychedelicCreature, Pasithea, mezkur7, valle1124, forsen, ryanprobably, TheNineElements, isajo4002, sockerbecca
Full list


on 29. August 2024, 15:25 by mezkur7
Sudokupad: https://sudokupad.app/m7f2sua17l

on 16. September 2023, 04:18 by CrazyCrypticC

on 21. August 2021, 18:48 by Phistomefel
Added tag "Online solving tool".

on 28. October 2020, 19:49 by Phistomefel
Link zu f-puzzles hinzugefügt.

on 17. September 2020, 14:05 by cdwg2000
Video problem solving from Bilibili website: https://b23.tv/BRHEdR

on 16. June 2020, 15:28 by Phistomefel
@cam: Thanks a lot for your praise! :)

on 16. June 2020, 00:19 by cam
I'm incapable of even imagining a more beautifully constructed puzzle

Last changed on 15. June 2020, 12:26

on 15. June 2020, 12:17 by Phistomefel
@Mosti_Mo: Wow, vielen Dank für dein Lob!

Last changed on 15. June 2020, 11:53

on 15. June 2020, 11:53 by Mosti_Mo
Ich kann es kaum glauben, wie schlau, logisch und unfassbar schön dieses Puzzle ist! Ein einfaches Dankeschön würde es nicht reichen :) Vielen vielen Dank für diese Logik :) Wunderschön!

on 14. June 2020, 08:45 by Phistomefel
Dankeschön, Mody und SlowLarry! :)

on 13. June 2020, 14:39 by Mody

on 13. June 2020, 10:43 by SlowLarry
Fantastic as always

on 13. June 2020, 10:21 by Phistomefel
Thanks a lot for the praise, zhergan and marcmees! :)

on 13. June 2020, 10:05 by marcmees
rare beauty

on 12. June 2020, 21:59 by zhergan
Very nice puzzle! Thanks..

on 12. June 2020, 19:33 by Phistomefel
Thank you very much, Richard!

on 12. June 2020, 19:03 by Richard
Excellent puzzle with very nice logic!
Well done!

on 12. June 2020, 19:02 by Richard
Excellent puzzle with very nice logic!
Well done!

Last changed on 12. June 2020, 16:23

on 12. June 2020, 15:20 by Phistomefel
Thanks a lot for the nice feedback, mandourin and SirWoezel! :) I'm glad you liked it.

on 12. June 2020, 14:04 by mandourin
Very challenging and very satisfying. Well, the usual with Phistomefel.

Rating:94 %
Solved:126 times
Observed:14 times

Variant combination Online solving tool Arithmetic puzzle

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