Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Bomb Sudoku #1

(Published on 4. June 2020, 22:56 by Rotstein)

-Normal sudoku rules apply
-Cells with an arrow are "bomb-throwers"
-An arrow tells the direction where the "bomb" goes
-Digit on bomb-thrower tell where in the grid its "bomb" lands
-Digit on bomb-thrower cannot be the same as cells connected to where its bomb lands (orthogonally or diagonally)
Example:If R1C2 is a 7, its bomb lands in R1C9 (7 cells to the right), then R2C8 and R2C9 could not contain a 7
-Red cells mean that a second bomb is thrown at a different direction (the other direction is to be deduced)
-Bombs cannot be thrown diagonally
-All arrows and red cells are given (i.e. These restrictions cannot appear anywhere else in the grid)
Example: Since R1C3 does not contain an arrow, it cannot be a 2, because it would rule out R1C2, R2C1 and R2C2 from being a 2 and therefore R1C3 with a 2 in it would have to contain an arrow to the left
You can try this puzzle in your browser by clicking in the link below

Solution code: column 5 from top to bottom

Last changed on on 7. September 2020, 07:16

Solved by Yohann, Julianl, marcmees, moss, geronimo92, SirWoezel, bob, Alphish, stefliew, Workout9, NikolaZ, Luigi, Ninja94, zorant, SudokuExplorer, marsigel, sandmoppe, ManuH
Full list


on 7. September 2020, 07:16 by Rotstein
Placed #1 in title since there is a 2nd one available, no change to the puzzle

on 5. August 2020, 18:15 by Rotstein
@sandmoppe I apologize, I forgot some people like to print the puzzles, I corrected quickly so I thought it wasn't needed but again I apologize

on 5. August 2020, 08:14 by sandmoppe
After several attempts to solve this Sudoku, I printed it out again. To my surprise, there is now an arrow in R2C4, that was not there in my original printout. It would have been nice, to inform solvers, when correcting a puzzle.

on 10. July 2020, 15:22 by Rotstein
@SudokuExplorer Thanks :)

on 10. July 2020, 13:58 by SudokuExplorer
Lovely concept with nice logic!

on 15. June 2020, 18:55 by Workout9

on 6. June 2020, 19:10 by Rotstein
Added example to clarify rules

Rating:84 %
Solved:18 times
Observed:12 times

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