Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Sandwich Sudoku - Determine X

(Published on 31. May 2020, 13:43 by Sfayne)

Normal Sudoku rules apply.

Sandwich rule apply - The numbers outside the grid represent the sum of all the the digits between 1 and 9 in that row or column.

X is always the same and needs to be determined.

The "X±1" symbol means that the number for that row or column is equal to either exactly X+1 or X-1. For example, if X = 14, the value for that row would be either 13 or 15.
Similarly, "X±2" means the value for that row or column is exactly X+2 or X-2.

Solution code: Row 8 followed by Column 8

Last changed on on 31. May 2020, 20:45

Solved by dm_litv, Julianl, Jesper, Uhu, marcmees, zorant, skywalker, bob, NikolaZ, rimodech, Hasenvogel, pandiani42, Ragna, 9797, Richard, 97johny, moss
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on 9. June 2020, 14:08 by glum_hippo
@Hasenvogel, ich vermute, dass der Autor des Deutschen nicht mächtig ist.

on 9. June 2020, 11:27 by Hasenvogel
Ich fand es schwer.
Ich konnte den Wert von X zwar eingrenzen, es blieben aber zwei Möglichkeiten übrig. Dann ging es nur mit T&E weiter. Hab ich was übersehen?

on 31. May 2020, 17:16 by Sfayne
Added German rules translation

on 31. May 2020, 17:12 by Sfayne
Thanks a lot for the translation!

on 31. May 2020, 16:55 by glum_hippo
Es gelten die üblichen Sudoku-Regeln.

Sandwich-Regel: Die Werte am Rande stellen die Summe der Ziffern zwischen der 1 und der 9 dar in der entsprechenden Spalte oder Reihe.

Der Wert von 'X' bleibt konstant und bleibt dem/der LöserIn als Aufgabe überlassen.

Das Symbol "X±1" bedeutet, daß der Hinweis für jene Spalte oder Reihe entweder gleich X+1 oder X-1 ist. Zum Beispiel würde der Wert 13 oder 15 sein wenn X = 14 ist.
Ähnliches trifft auch für "X±2" zu: der Wert ist entweder X+2 oder X-2.

on 31. May 2020, 15:32 by Sfayne
Changed difficulty from 4 to 3.

on 31. May 2020, 15:32 by Sfayne
Thanks for the output!

on 31. May 2020, 15:24 by dm_litv
No more than 3 stars for difficulty (for me 2.5)
But in any case you should not worry about it.
After a certain number of correct solvings this rating will be automatically changed from your initial one to the one given by the solvers.

Last changed on 31. May 2020, 14:05

on 31. May 2020, 13:50 by Sfayne
Hi everyone. As this is my first puzzle, feedback is well appreciated.

I was quite hesitant about which rating I should put so please tell me if you believe 3 stars would be more appropriate than 4.

Motivated German speakers are welcome to translate the rule set so that I can edit it for German solvers.

I hope you enjoy the puzzle!

Rating:83 %
Solved:17 times
Observed:9 times

Puzzle variant Arithmetic puzzle

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