Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Battlefield Sudoku

(Published on 31. May 2020, 13:08 by Realshaggy)

Big thanks Big_Tiger for the fresh idea. This type seems close to X-Sums which I really like, so I couldn't resist to create one myself. I changed the rules slightly, colored cells are not used in my puzzle. Big Tigers Rätsel


Fill the grid with digits 1 to 9 so that each row, column and region contains each digit exactly once. Consider the first x and last y cells of a row or column where x is the value of the first and y the value of the last cell. Clues outside the grid give the sum of the digits where these groups overlap or the sum of the digits between these groups.

Solving in Penpa-Applet

Solution code: Row 3, column 6

Last changed on on 18. January 2022, 00:34

Solved by cdwg2000, numdegased, Timwi, r45, Jesper, ProwlingTiger, dm_litv, Mody, ch1983, japoorva, Xavien , moss, ibag, Statistica, pippilotta, SirWoezel, chickenspeed19, glum_hippo, Madmahogany, geronimo92, ... rcg, zorant, 0xDEADC0DE, DiMono, ildiko, Kwaka, Mitchsa, dante1, polar, Aspartagcus, polmanpoppins, Nothere, zuzanina, Krokant, PixelPlucker, ancarro, Vebby, OGRussHood, ManuH, tommy, starelev5
Full list


on 18. January 2022, 00:34 by Realshaggy
Added tag.

on 19. October 2021, 16:05 by PixelPlucker
Excellent! A very smooth, linear and entertaining path!

on 30. August 2021, 02:41 by Realshaggy
Revised labels.

on 8. July 2020, 08:01 by DiMono
I solved this having forgotten it was one of the puzzles Simon did on Cracking the Cryptic. I used some of the same tactics in my own battlefield sudoku though, so I might have had an unfair advantage on it. ;)

on 11. June 2020, 22:08 by ffricke
Ein sehr schönes Rätsel mit einem schönen Lösungsweg

on 4. June 2020, 05:38 by Big Tiger
My dear Mr. Seeliger, after a raging bout of jealousy, I tip my hat to you for taking my idea and adding a dose of Puzzle-Setting excellence that drew it to the attention of Cracking the Cryptic. You beat me to them, ha ha! But I nevertheless immensely enjoyed watching Simon run through it and learn the logic that (you and) I had already worked through. By proxy, I was very rewarded to see the "Battlefield" idea get major attention. :-)

on 4. June 2020, 02:20 by Nylimb

on 3. June 2020, 17:05 by SirWoezel
Wonderful puzzle. This will keep me happy for some days.

on 2. June 2020, 08:18 by ibag
Schönes Rätsel!

on 1. June 2020, 10:45 by Mody
Schön kniffelige Variante und superschön zu lösen

on 1. June 2020, 09:37 by ProwlingTiger
Lots of fun! Very beautiful.

on 1. June 2020, 05:02 by Big Tiger
I'm busy with a video editing project or I'd try it out! Thank you for the honor of running with my idea! Sadly only 10 solvers on my initial puzzle, but time will tell...

on 31. May 2020, 15:21 by r45

Rating:96 %
Solved:59 times
Observed:8 times

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