Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Japanische Bahnhöfe, Teil 3

(Published on 27. May 2020, 13:00 by pirx)

The puzzle combines Japanese Sums and Stations.

Rules for Japanese Sums
Shade some cells in the diagram black and put digits from the indicated range 0-N into the other cells.
  • No number may appear more than once in every row or column.
  • The numbers on the left side and above the diagram give the sum of connected digits (without blackened cells in between) in the correct order. Single digits are also given.
  • For some rows and columns the hints are missing at all; when hints are given they are complete.
  • Some of the given numbers outside the grid are replaced by question marks; one question mark represents a one-digit number, two question marks a two-digit number.

Rules for Stations
Draw a single closed loop in the grid, going only horizontally and vertically, and connecting the centers of adjacent cells.
  • The loop must use each black cell exactly once.
  • The loop must go straight through numbers.
  • Exactly N numbers (except "0") are stations and have to be used in the sequence from 1...N. The loop must not go through other numbers except "0".
  • The loop has to cross itself exactly at cells that contain a "0". (A "0" is not a station, and can be used at any position in the loop, even one after another.)

Solution code:
For every row from top to bottom enter the number of cells, in which the loop turns.
Then the marked rows from left to right; use "s" for shaded cells.

Last changed on -

Solved by Statistica, ibag, r45, pandiani42, ch1983, Alex, matter, Zzzyxas, Joe Average, NikolaZ, Nensche777, ffricke, zorant, misko, xiao01wei, Jesper, polar, Myxo, jhrdina, pkp, KNT, Agent, zzw, Paletron, RJBlarmo
Full list


on 21. February 2024, 15:15 by zzw
Great puzzle! Loved how everything came together at the end, especially those last three cells :)

on 15. September 2023, 21:20 by Agent
Fantastic puzzle, a flawless execution of the ruleset! What I really like is that, even though some deductions were very hard, it was always well telegraphed and the resolution at the end was almost effortless. As a result the solve was less straining than many puzzles of lower difficulty.

Last changed on 19. August 2023, 21:14

on 19. August 2023, 20:54 by KNT
Incredible! Truly epic puzzle. Thank you very much for this series! The finale to this puzzle was some of the most excitement I've gotten out of solving in a long time.

Last changed on 27. May 2021, 02:05

on 25. May 2021, 03:31 by xiao01wei
There are 2 solutions in final 3 cells?

edit: sorry, there is only one solution.

on 12. January 2021, 17:49 by ffricke
Plötzlich tauchte dieses Rätsel aus dem Stapel der Unvollendeten wieder auf, und dieses mal ging es erstaunlicherweise wunderbar durch. Wirklich Klasse !!

on 21. June 2020, 22:22 by Joe Average

on 10. June 2020, 08:15 by Alex
Einfach genial. Im Endspurt fast die Luft angehalten, so spannend war es.

on 5. June 2020, 11:52 by ch1983
Wow, großartig!

on 30. May 2020, 19:56 by r45
Kann mich nur anschließen, Genuss pur und alles logisch zu lösen. Vielen Dank!

on 30. May 2020, 16:14 by ibag
Na, geht doch! Die ersten zwei Versuche hab ich auf der langen Zielgerade vermasselt.;-)

Wirklich klasse, tolle Idee, tolle Ausführung. Und durchweg logisch lösbar. Chapeau!

on 29. May 2020, 23:35 by Statistica
Na gut, mit der Erfahrung der anderen Rätsel ging es dann doch. Ein superklasse Monsterrätsel. Vielen vielen Dank! :-)

Rating:100 %
Solved:25 times
Observed:6 times

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