Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Goliaths Käfige (Goliath's Killer Cages)

(Published on 24. May 2020, 07:51 by glum_hippo)

Normal killer sudoku rules apply. The small number in a cage indicates the sum of the digits contained therein. Within a cage no digit may repeat.

The cells in row 8, column 1 and 2 along with row 9, column 1 to 3 form a 'Renban' group, meaning that they contain 5 consecutive digits, e.g., 1-2-3-4-5, in an indeterminate order. They have a pale green stripe.

The cells in column 1, rows 2 to 5 form an 'Anti-Renban' group, meaning it must contain a set of distinct digits, no two of which are consecutive; e.g., 1-3-7-9 or 1-4-6-9. They have a pink stripe.

Link for online solving: F-puzzles

Solution code: Row 4, then column 3, each in reading order (18 digits without spaces or commas).

Last changed on on 24. January 2022, 14:36

Solved by zorant, Richard, marcmees, moss, adam001, Julianl, cdwg2000, ManuH, SirWoezel, r45, zhergan, Mody, ch1983, NikolaZ, geronimo92, Uhu, skywalker, KlausRG, 0123coolkid, rimodech, Joe Average, sf2l, ... Ragna, Hüthy, sandmoppe, Ours brun, celisa, cornuto, kishy72, gsflow, Realshaggy, ThrowngNinja, ffricke, HaSe, Vebby, apwelho, flaemmchen, PixelPlucker, Just me, isajo4002, valle1124, Sewerin
Full list


Last changed on 24. January 2022, 14:35

on 24. January 2022, 14:35 by glum_hippo
inequality sign removed

on 26. May 2020, 21:31 by Madmahogany
Thanks for the clarification! Nice puzzle!

on 26. May 2020, 15:58 by glum_hippo
anti-renban examples

on 26. May 2020, 15:23 by zhergan
@Madmahogany: Not only the adjacent cells, the whole set has no consecutive digits..

on 26. May 2020, 14:14 by Madmahogany
When you say that the pale purple group is Anti-Renban, does this mean they do not contain consecutive digits adjacent, or the whole set has no consecutive digits?

on 25. May 2020, 17:23 by glum_hippo
@0123coolkid Thanks. Much appreciated

on 25. May 2020, 17:21 by 0123coolkid
I loved this puzzle! I definitely had fun solving the puzzle, I loved the logic path. I will admit that I didn't need to use the inequality sign, but good puzzle regardless. Keep up the good work! :)

Rating:92 %
Solved:48 times
Observed:15 times

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