Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Arithmetic Progression Killer "Victor's Xylophone"

(Published on 18. May 2020, 03:14 by glum_hippo)

Arithmetic Progression Killer

There are four clued killer cages in the grid, and the others are unclued. As usual for killer sudoku, in any cage, no digit may repeat. And if the cage is clued, the clue tells the sum of the digits contained in the cage.

Every unclued cage obeys the following rule: the sum of its digits is part of a simple arithmetic progression, and each subsequent member of that progression is the sum of a neighboring unclued cage, i.e., one which shares at least an edge with the previous.

It is up to you to figure out in which cage the progression begins & with what sum; where it ends; and what pattern the progression exhibits. The given clues (11, 18, 35, 37) do not belong to the sequence.

Oh! I almost forgot to mention that, in addition — without regard for the cage constraints — no two orthogonally adjacent cells may have a sum of 5, 10, or 15.

Penpa link.


Solution code: All digits on the long diagonal from Row 1, Column 1 to Row 9, Column 9.

Last changed on on 20. September 2021, 17:57

Solved by rimodech, zorant, NikolaZ, dm_litv, Statistica, jessica6, Zzzyxas, skywalker, Luigi, marcmees, Errorandy, bob, Madmahogany, KlausRG, Richard, ffricke, Vebby, PixelPlucker, Sewerin, DiMono
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on 19. May 2020, 13:29 by jessica6
@jwmpuz no two adjacent cells may have a sum of 5, 10 or 15, regardless if they are in the same cage or not. (without the introductory phrase, one might assume that the sum constraint applies only to numbers inside cages or even within the same cage)

Last changed on 19. May 2020, 07:51

on 19. May 2020, 07:50 by jwmpuz
I understand what this means: "no two orthogonally adjacent cells may have a sum of 5, 10, or 15", but I'm confused by the introductory phrase, "without regard for the cage constraints". Does that instruction work just as well without that phrase, or what meaning or constraint does it add that I'm not understanding?

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Observed:9 times

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