Each digit in the grid represents a skyscraper of that height. If a cell contains an arrow, then the number in that cell denotes the number of skyscrapers that are visible in that direction from this vantage point (on the ground). Higher skyscrapers hide lower skyscrapers.
Example: (Please pay special attention to the arrow next to the left-most 2: Although 2>1, from the ground one can see both skyscrapers 1 and 3.)
(I'm sorry about having to improvise and make the cells twice as large. I wanted to have space for the arrows and numbers...)
Let me know what you think about this variant. Please enjoy!
Solution code: Second row, eighth column. (all in a row, 18 digits)
on 2. March 2021, 23:49 by Krokant
Die Skyline anhand einiger vager Richtungsangaben zusammenpuzzeln hat sehr viel Spaß gemacht. Schönes Rätsel.
on 16. May 2020, 14:50 by Mody
Fand ich auch sehr schön :)
on 15. May 2020, 14:15 by dm_litv
Crisp and clear design, nice to solve.
on 14. May 2020, 20:30 by Richard
Nice opening!
on 14. May 2020, 19:31 by Statistica
Hat mir auch gut gefallen!
on 14. May 2020, 18:44 by Rollo
:-) Ein sehr schönes Sudoku.
on 14. May 2020, 15:31 by Rollo
Danke. Schau dir mal Hochhausblöcke-Rätsel an. Das ist eine meiner Lieblingsvarianten, hier nicht passend.
on 14. May 2020, 14:47 by ahaupt
Sorry about that. Still new to this website :) Thanks for bearing with me.
on 14. May 2020, 14:36 by Rollo
It is not Sudoku, it's 'Standardrätsel'. You see it 'mouse over'.
on 14. May 2020, 14:19 by ahaupt
added icon
on 14. May 2020, 14:11 by Rollo
Please add sudoku icon.
on 14. May 2020, 13:01 by ahaupt
renamed the puzzle
on 14. May 2020, 13:00 by ahaupt
Thank you! I didn't know such a variant existed. Will fix it.
on 14. May 2020, 12:56 by Richard
Not to be nitpicking, but you shouldn't name this puzzle just skyscraper sudoku, since puzzles with that name have clues outside the grid, like here: https://logic-masters.de/Raetselportal/Raetsel/zeigen.php?id=0002D9
The type you published is more like hidden skyscrapers, such as this one: https://logic-masters.de/Raetselportal/Raetsel/zeigen.php?id=0002DL
on 14. May 2020, 12:22 by ahaupt
Added tag, more detailed instructions.