Kakuro Series 5: Kakuro (Gapped) II
(Published on 13. May 2020, 19:29 by Puzzle_Maestro)
Enter a number from 1 to 9 into each white cell. The numbers in grey cells indicate the sums of the numbers in the horizontally or vertically adjacent "words". Within each word, no number can appear more than once. (note that even if a "word" doesn't have a given sum, numbers still cannot appear more than once within it)
Also, some cells may remain empty but empty cells cannot share an edge with other empty cells.
Interactive version available
Solution code: Row 12 (12 cells), Column 7 (12 cells), use X for empty cells
Solved by NikolaZ, skywalker, Uhu, sf2l, rimodech, zorant, rob, cdwg2000, r45, Nothere, karzym, bob, cornuto, ibag, Statistica, ch1983, ManuH, moss, Mody, zuzanina, Zzzyxas, marcmees, sandmoppe, HaSe, ... Realshaggy, apiad, HugoSimon, PreparingFiles, polar, EKBM, barer, derwolf23, PixelPlucker, bacad, nordloc, Vebby, Mark Sweep, Agent, Kekes, Saskia, KNT, ONeill, abed hawila, glum_hippo, marsigel
on 25. June 2024, 18:14 by glum_hippo
I didn't like this one better or worse than the first one, but I am very glad these satisfying, excellent puzzles were presented in this order. The first was a better 'introductory' puzzle.
on 29. October 2023, 01:47 by KNT
very nice again! I preferred this one to the first gapped kakuro.
on 16. May 2020, 10:01 by Mody
Wunderschön, mir gefallen Deine Rätsel sehr gut.
on 14. May 2020, 17:18 by ibag
Sehr schönes Rätsel!