Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Next X Sum - Sandwich - X-Sudoku

(Published on 12. May 2020, 21:15 by Rawcoder)

I created this Sudoku a while ago. It solves pretty smoothly and uses a mechanic that is not used very often.

Classic sudoku rules apply. Additionally both main diagonals contain the Digits 1 to 9 exactly once. The dotted cages are killer cages. Digits within these cages sum to the given total.

Red clues outside the grid are sandwich clues, i.e. they the of the digits sandwiched between the 1 and the 9.

Blue clues outside the grid are „next x sum“ clues. They indicate the sum of the next x digits, with x beeing the first digit in the row/column that is adjacent to that clue. The X itself doesn't count towards the sum.
For example: If we have a row with the digits 347982615 than a „next x sum“ clue on the left side of the row would be 20 (X=3, adding up 479), if such a clue would be on the right side it would be 26 (X=5, adding up 16289).

Enjoy solving!

Solution code: Column 5 (top to bottom) followed by row 8 (left to right)

Last changed on -

Solved by skywalker, Player, cdwg2000, zorant, KlausRG, marcmees, lutzreimer, rimodech, karzym, tamka, derwolf23, bob, Mesmer, NikolaZ, Imperial Marcher, Mody, Richard, Uhu, Statistica, ManuH, moss, ... Nothere, Danielle, karen_birgitta, Laje6, Shmartus, rcg, luda3, MegaDwarfDan, marsigel, bronsonlewis, Realshaggy, Lizzy01, vmirandaa, ildiko, Saskia, zrbakhtiar, asuiru, asii, SKORP17, bereolosp
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on 2. April 2022, 02:29 by vmirandaa
Penpa+ link: https://tinyurl.com/ybzd2fyz

on 30. August 2020, 19:22 by luda3
Thank you for sharing this puzzle, the solution path was very nice to discover and the puzzle type complemented each other very well! :)

on 16. May 2020, 15:58 by flaemmchen
Hat mir dehr gut gefallen :-))
Schöne Kombination!

on 15. May 2020, 08:28 by Richard
@panandh: no mistakes in the puzzle; all clues are correct.

on 14. May 2020, 17:39 by panandh
There seems to be some mistake in this puzzle. Can anyone solved cross-check, please?

Rating:92 %
Solved:59 times
Observed:13 times

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