Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Sudoku Family Fun Center

(Published on 12. May 2020, 09:49 by Big Tiger)

Standard Sudoku Rules apply to the final numerical layout.

Welcome to the Family Fun Center! We have a few rules before you can play!

Ticket Booth and Path: In the center of the arena is the Ticket Booth, and a path travels orthogonally from the booth to the outer wall of the arena. The path is unaffected by the numbers on it; it exists simply to get you safely to the ticket booth without worrying about children landing on you!

Trampolines: Children can bounce from the trampolines in the direction of the arrows and land safely on a rubber mat (unmarked). The number placed on the trampoline indicates how far it will bounce children across the arena. Some rubber mats will be used by more than one trampoline.

Zip Lines: Circled arrows indicate the launch platforms for the zip lines. Children soar over the arena to a landing pad (unmarked) with a digit identical to the launch platform. Numbers on the launch platform do not correspond to the distance traveled, and children will never pass over that digit during their passage along the zip line.

Seesaws: Every seesaw occupies two squares, and the total of the two digits is always 10.

Batting Cages: In each of our three batting cages, the digits in the cage add up to the total in the upper left corner, and no two digits are repeated within the cage.

Benches: For the parents who are tired of keeping up with their children, every 3x3 block has exactly one bench (unmarked), and that bench is adjacent (straight or diagonally) to at least one seesaw.

And so, each square on the grid will be one, and only one, of the following:

The ticket booth
The path
A trampoline
A trampoline rubber mat
A zip line launch platform
A zip line landing pad
A seesaw
A batting cage
A bench

And determining where they are placed is vital to placing all the digits in the grid.


Setter's Diary :: May 12, 2020 :: In March of 2020 I discovered "Cracking the Cryptic" on YouTube, and the mundane world of newspaper sudoku puzzles was blown out of the water. I learned for the first time of thermometers, sandwiches, kropki dots, and so much more! And so my brain got cooking.

At first it was just Trampolines, then there were Zip Lines, and by the time I was done making sure that it was a puzzle that could be logically reduced to a single unique solution, I had the Family Fun Center. (Benches, for example, were not part of the original plan until I needed something to restrict a few digits on the grid.)

In studying puzzles on CTC and this website, I have learned that many solvers prefer an elegant simplicity. But sometimes I just want a busy puzzle with a lot of clues to sort through, so that's how my first one ended up. I have tested it, and it has a unique solution that is solvable with the given clues.

It all makes sense to me, but I welcome any comments if you find yourself confused by any part of the instructions.

Solution code: The numbers along the path, beginning at the edge of the grid and ending on the ticket booth.

Last changed on on 21. October 2020, 22:33

Solved by TwisterMonkey, Marijana, Quetzal, Richard, geronimo92, NikolaZ, zorant, Mody, Alexander Rappa, KevinCelis, stefliew, Naantje, BenceJoful, DiMono, SirWoezel
Full list


Last changed on 1. October 2020, 06:39

on 30. September 2020, 06:24 by DiMono
It took a few tries, because I kept making the same silly oversight, but once I got past that the solve was pretty smooth. It is a lot of rules to keep straight, so it's easy to get lost if you don't take it in a reasonable order.

*** This was before I had "matured" in my understanding of what the majority of solvers like: Nice clean instructions, ha ha. But I'm still kinda proud of this one. :-D It was the first puzzle I created that >I< could solve following CTC Simon's dictate of "No guessing - use logic!".

Last changed on 12. September 2020, 13:08

on 30. July 2020, 22:47 by Naantje
I made a grid for this in penpa-edit ;)


It took me several goes to solve it, but the mechanics were just so entertaining. So easy to miss things or make wrong assumptions though, there's just so many levels of thinking required. Just a novice here, did ask my husband a couple of times to help me verify my logic.

*** Thanks for playing! I'm a novice, too, but I'm getting better by solving various puzzles here on LM!

Last changed on 15. July 2020, 18:42

on 15. July 2020, 15:36 by KevinCelis
This took me more tries than I'd like to admit, but the fact that I kept trying shows how much I liked it.

I came to this puzzle from your 3/4 ain't bad puzzle where you said people found your other rulesets to complicated/elaborate; I have to say, I actually like these puzzles with a bit of a story behind them that have a few more rules than usual.

**** Thanks for stopping by! Everyone's different, but yes, some want something they can read once and attack; others are fine with something more involved. Glad you plowed through this one. :-)

on 29. June 2020, 08:26 by Mody
Mir hat es Spaß gemacht :)

Last changed on 12. May 2020, 23:08

on 12. May 2020, 22:56 by Rollo
Please add sudoku icon.
Thanks :-).

on 12. May 2020, 18:43 by Big Tiger
CircleConstant314: "How does the path develop on cells that aren't zip lines or trampolines? Does it develop according to the digit in the cell or any amount?"

Reply: It is simply a path - the numbers on it don't affect it in any way. But since each square can only serve one function, locating the path does eliminate places where zip lines and trampolines can safely land. (The same is true for the Benches.)

on 12. May 2020, 10:02 by Circleconstant314
How does the path develop on cells that aren't zip lines or trampolines? Does it develop according to the digit in the cell or any amount?

Rating:88 %
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