Fill the grid with digits 1 to 9 so that each row, column and region contains each digit exactly once.
There are some fruits in the grid with different tastes. One of them tastes like small digits (1,2,3,4). One of them tastes like big digits (6,7,8,9). One of them tastes like odd digits (1,3,5,7,9). One of them tastes like even digits (2,4,6,8). One of them tastes like prime numbers (2,3,5,7). And the last one is very strange, it tastes like semiprime numbers (4,6,9, numbers with exactly two prime factors). Unfortunately I did forget which is which, so you have to find that out for yourself.
Coded Version for solving
Alternate color-coded version for solving
Solution code: Row 6, Column 3
on 30. August 2021, 02:44 by Realshaggy
Revised labels.
on 27. October 2020, 06:57 by zuzanina
Leckerer Obstsalat!
on 24. October 2020, 21:30 by Realshaggy
Added Penpa/f-Puzzles support.
on 14. May 2020, 17:29 by Mody
Wirklich leckerer Rätselspaß. Nach der Zuordnung hat sich alles wunderbar "aufgedröselt"
on 10. May 2020, 16:40 by Realshaggy
Added color-coded version of grid for solving.
on 10. May 2020, 14:53 by ibag
War lecker!
on 9. May 2020, 23:35 by zhergan
Very nice fruit salad :) Thanks..
on 9. May 2020, 22:05 by Realshaggy
Some wrong letters in the coded grid, sorry. That's what happens if you permutate to hide the construction path :-)