Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Puzzle Alphabet Warm-Up (4/4): Doppelstern

(Published on 7. May 2020, 12:00 by JonaS2010)

Part four of a small warm-up series for my competition next weekend. If you need help, you can watch a solve of the puzzles here.

Rules: Fill some cells with stars so that each row, column, and bold region contains two stars. Stars cannot be placed in any neighboring cells, including diagonally adjacent cells.

Solution code: For each row from top to bottom, enter the number of the column where the first star appears.

Last changed on -

Solved by ch1983, jessica6, Statistica, zorant, cornuto, cdwg2000, Joe Average, ManuH, zhergan, skywalker, Uhu, Nothere, Realshaggy, CHalb, lutzreimer, Puzzle_Maestro, r45, moss, Zzzyxas, zuzanina, dm_litv, ... Krokant, Lucx, Lagavulin, Greg, CJK, Toastbrot, bernhard, Mathi, Thomster, Raistlen, rcg, uvo, Mark Sweep, FlowStar, garganega, PixelPlucker, OGRussHood, chrisbee2, EKBM, RobertBe, Tacosian, Piatato
Full list


on 11. October 2020, 18:24 by Lucx
Interessanter als gedacht. Vielen Dank!

on 7. May 2020, 20:33 by zuzanina
Danke für die netten Warm-Ups! Ich hoffe, ich komme am Wochenende dazu, am Wettbewerb teilzunehmen! :-)

on 7. May 2020, 20:33 by zuzanina
@Zzzyxas: Na, immerhin hast du nicht hier statt des Kommentars dein Passwort eingetippt! ;-)

on 7. May 2020, 20:26 by Zzzyxas
Das ist mir noch nie passiert: Ich wollte mich gerade anmelden und habe statt meines Paßworts den Lösungscode eingetippt.

Rating:89 %
Solved:82 times
Observed:3 times

Standard puzzle Placement puzzle

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