Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Anti-Knight Killer Sudoku

(Published on 4. May 2020, 00:46 by trivial171)

This is a puzzle with standard Killer Sudoku and Anti-Knight Sudoku rules.

  • Place a digit in each cell of the grid. Each row, column, and outlined 3 by 3 box must contain each of the digits 1, ..., 9 exactly once.
  • In the grid, there are some cages surrounded by dashed lines. The digits within a cage must sum to the number written in the upper-left corner of the cage. Digits may not repeat within a cage.
  • Two cells separated by a knight's move (as in chess) cannot contain the same digit.

I hope you have fun and I'd love to hear your feedback in the comments.

Here is a link to the puzzle on penpa-edit, a tool for constructing and solving puzzles in a web browser.

Solution code: Row 3 and 9

Last changed on on 4. May 2020, 22:59

Solved by cdwg2000, zhergan, Joe Average, r45, clue, NikolaZ, Statistica, marcmees, ManuH, SirWoezel, Julianl, Uhu, rimodech, siuminaga, Alex, ch1983, sloffie, misko, zorant, sf2l, Phistomefel, Ragna, ... bob, 0123coolkid, Mody, Madmahogany, Narayana, Richard, SudokuExplorer, Willy Wonka, tinounou, polar, Krokant, PixelPlucker, Vebby, Ood, OGRussHood, Bobbobert, SXH, Just me, AvonD, mezkur7
Full list


on 15. May 2024, 22:55 by mezkur7
F-puzzles: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=232cnf5s

Sudokupad: https://sudokupad.app/yj5lbk20uw

on 1. October 2020, 04:22 by Willy Wonka
Such an incredible puzzle! Very unique logic, very tough, I really enjoyed solving it!

on 5. July 2020, 22:36 by SudokuExplorer
Wonderful construction!

on 6. May 2020, 23:17 by sfumato
Wonderful puzzle! Beautiful symmetry and patterns along the way. Thanks!

on 6. May 2020, 09:58 by Phistomefel
What an entry! :O

on 4. May 2020, 22:59 by trivial171
Shortened URL in link

on 4. May 2020, 22:58 by trivial171
Added a link to the puzzle on penpa-edit. Added Killer-Sudoku to tags.

Thanks everyone who attempted the puzzle!

on 4. May 2020, 16:09 by SirWoezel
Lovely puzzle!

on 4. May 2020, 13:34 by marcmees
very nice entry.

on 4. May 2020, 10:41 by Statistica
Hübsche Konstruktion!

Rating:95 %
Solved:54 times
Observed:8 times

Puzzle variant Arithmetic puzzle

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