Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Killer Square Sudoku

(Published on 28. April 2020, 04:38 by ProwlingTiger)

Normal sudoku rules apply. Every cage sums to a square number, and numbers within in a cage cannot repeat. Additionally, all the gray cells also sum to a square number.

Note: This puzzle does not require trial and error! If you require T/E, then you are missing some beautiful logic! Also, please let me know any comments or criticisms, and how I can improve for my next puzzle. Thanks!

Solution code: 5th row, then 8th row, from left to right. Nothing separating the numbers. For example: 123456789456789123

Last changed on on 12. May 2020, 23:15

Solved by r45, cdwg2000, marcmees, Errorandy, Kekes, zorant, Statistica, jessica6, skywalker, ManuH, Joe Average, NikolaZ, bob, Nylimb, Ours brun, moss, Julianl, ch1983, sf2l, geronimo92, pdebruine, 111chrisi, Richard, Jaych, HugoSimon, SKORP17, PixelPlucker, polar, misko
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on 12. May 2020, 23:15 by ProwlingTiger
Added sudoku label.

on 28. April 2020, 12:48 by Joe Average
There's a translation error, the "möglicherwise" needs to be erased, as it would leave it optional whether digits repeat or not in a cage.

on 28. April 2020, 09:31 by cdwg2000
Very Nice!

Rating:94 %
Solved:29 times
Observed:9 times

Standard puzzle Arithmetic puzzle

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