Solution code: Column 2 (top to bottom), Row 5 (left to right), and the knight's path from the shaded cell in row four (written as three nine-digit numbers)
on 28. April 2020, 16:41 by Mondestrunken
edited the description.
on 28. April 2020, 16:06 by Mondestrunken
Edited the German translation and removed an unnecessary tag.
on 28. April 2020, 00:29 by Rollo
Eine sehr lustige Idee! Besondere Mathematikkenntnisse werden aber nicht benötigt.
on 27. April 2020, 23:40 by Ragna
on 27. April 2020, 22:08 by Mondestrunken
Hi jessica6 - there is one step in which the knight's path can be used in conjunction with the other constraints to speed up elimination of certain numbers for some of the cells, but you are entirely right - it is possible to finish the puzzle without utilising it! :)
on 27. April 2020, 15:41 by Mondestrunken
Augmented the name of the puzzle to explain it better.