Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Parity Party VII — "Party Sandwiches"

(Published on 25. April 2020, 23:24 by glum_hippo)

The puzzle can also be solved in this penpa link with built-in answer check.

Or F-puzzles - no built-in answer check. Finally, you can also try the CtC app version.

Parity Party VII (with some Sandwiches)

Normal Sudoku rules apply.

The numbers along the edge are either sandwich or Parity Party clues. If a column or row has a clue at either end, one is Parity Party (PP) and the other is sandwich, even if both are the same number.

As usual, sandwich clues indicate the sum of all digits that lie between 1 and 9 in that row or column (not including the 1 & 9).

PP clues indicate the sum of cells encountered when moving through the grid from that vantage point, UP TO AND INCLUDING the first odd or first even digit. For example, a 15 at the bottom of a column could indicate something like 7-8, 8-7, 1-3-5-6 or 2-6-4-3 (among others) when reading up that column... but not 1-2-3-4-5 or 2-6-3-4 etc. That is, the parity of the farthest digit must deviate from that of the others.

Note: If the PP clue is less than 10, it might simply indicate the value of the first cell. That is to say, you could be adding up zero odd and one even number, or vice versa.

As a gentler introduction into the 'Parity Party' genre, I recommend Parity Party Kidoku.

Solution code: The 8th column, from top to bottom, followed by the 6th row from left to right (18 digits).

Last changed on on 1. January 2023, 16:05

Solved by Ours brun, NikolaZ, zorant, ffricke, Mody, ch1983, matter, shogia, bigger, PixelPlucker, ibag, Vebby, PrimeWeasel, SSG, DiMono, Sewerin, ZornsLemon, steeto
Full list


on 26. May 2023, 21:32 by DiMono
This was very hard, but not as hard as I expected it would be. Everything kind of fell into place at a certain point. Not bad for my first ever parity party puzzle.

on 2. January 2023, 16:35 by PrimeWeasel
Fun party!

on 1. January 2023, 16:05 by glum_hippo
answer check added to CtC link

on 14. January 2022, 18:28 by ibag
Absolut großartig!

Last changed on 16. June 2020, 15:40

on 16. June 2020, 08:42 by Richard
I ran into a contradiction on the exact same spot a few times now. Still the puzzle intrigues me and I want to give it another go. You write specific that each line cannot have more than one PP-clue. For row 4 and column 3 there are two identical clues on either side of the grid. Can I safely assume that in both cases one clue is PP and one is Sandwich?


on 9. May 2020, 09:23 by Mody
Wunderbares Rätsel und ein absolut logischer Lösungsweg

Last changed on 12. May 2020, 14:17

on 5. May 2020, 23:52 by glum_hippo
Tag 'Mehrdeutig' removed; thanks for the tip Realshaggy

on 5. May 2020, 23:47 by Realshaggy
Ich hab hier schonmal zwei Stunden versenkt und es dann weggelegt, weil die Anzahl der Löser so niedrig blieb. Da habe ich immer Angst, dass es nur mit ellenlangen Fallunterscheidungen geht. Aber bei so positivem Feedback setz ich mich sicher nochmal dran! Bei sovielen Rätseln kommen leider einige Perlen wirklich zu kurz und vor 10-12 Lösern sieht man ja auch leider keine Bewertung.

PS: Das "mehrdeutig" Label würde ich glaube ich nicht verwenden. Wenn man draufklickt, sieht man, dass das sonst für Rätsel verwendet wurde, die (vom Autor beabsichtigt) mehrere Lösungen haben, aus denen man dann bestimmte finden soll (in diesem Sinne war die Lösung wieder eindeutig). Gab mal eine Phase da hatten wir recht viele Rätsel dieses Typs.

on 5. May 2020, 22:43 by ffricke
Da hab ich eine Möglichkeit lange übersehen. Für mich das schönste Rätsel der Serie.

Rating:94 %
Solved:18 times
Observed:10 times

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