Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Little Killer X Sudoku

(Published on 25. April 2020, 08:15 by Phistomefel)

This puzzle is a mixture of a Little Killer Sudoku and a Diagonal Sudoku.

In this puzzle, the usual sudoku rules apply. Additionally, both main diagonals contain each digit from 1 to 9 exactly once. The digits in a diagonal pointed at by an arrow, sum up to the number behind the arrow. The digits on such a diagonal may repeat.

Many thanks to Qodec for the F-Puzzles link! The puzzle is therefore available online via F-Puzzles. Have fun solving!

Solution code: 2nd and 5th row

Last changed on on 21. August 2021, 18:51

Solved by ManuH, cdwg2000, ch1983, Julianl, zhergan, Nylimb, marcmees, zorant, siuminaga, Ours brun, bob, NikolaZ, skywalker, Fred76, Circleconstant314, rimodech, sf2l, Statistica, pdebruine, karzym, neliss94, ... snowyegret, Just me, OGRussHood, by81996672, Frutlop, Piatato, AvonD, Bobbobert, janedoe, mezkur7, CrazyCrypticC, rmahus, Sewerin, karlmortenlunna, jseng, SXH, FifthWorld, gxorgx, Pasithea
Full list


on 14. September 2023, 06:18 by CrazyCrypticC
Absolutely gorgeous puzzle. Smooth logic throughout.

on 21. August 2021, 18:51 by Phistomefel
Added tag "Online solving tool".

on 7. November 2020, 08:45 by Phistomefel
Added link.

on 22. September 2020, 22:30 by Qodec
Link to play this puzzle online: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=y3nhq5wu

on 31. May 2020, 19:56 by Phistomefel
Changed tag

on 1. May 2020, 06:38 by r45
Wow, ein Kunstwerk mit hohem Spaßfaktor beim Lösen.

on 29. April 2020, 19:40 by Madmahogany
Absolutely wonderful! Work of art!

on 27. April 2020, 07:56 by Statistica
Klasse. Tolle Idee.

on 25. April 2020, 13:05 by cdwg2000
The entrance is so wonderful!Thanks.

Rating:94 %
Solved:75 times
Observed:9 times

Variant combination Online solving tool Arithmetic puzzle

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