1. In the solution are all 16 letters of PLEASE STAY AT HOME
2. No letter touches an adjacent letter of the alphabet on an edge or corner. Same letters also don't touch each other.
3. In field 15 is a letter of YES
4. In four fields which have directly consecutive index numbers is the word HELP (in this order)
5. Only one of the two following statements is true: In field 6 is the M. In field 11 is an A
6. Only one of the two following statements is true: In field 3 is an E. In field 12 is a T
7. Only one of the two following statements is true: The M doesn't touch any A. The P doesn't touch any A
8. Only one of the two following statements is true: The sum of the field index numbers of one E and one T is 15. In field 7 is a letter of YES
9. Only one of the two following statements is true: Both sums of the field index numbers of the 3 A's and the 3 E's are each 16. In each of the four fields with an index number which can be divided by 4 is a different letter of STOP
Solution code: the 16 letters of the solution, from field 1 to field 16
on 8. September 2023, 18:04 by Krokant
Zum Glück muss man jetzt nicht mehr zu Hause bleiben und kann das Rätsel auch im Park lösen. :)
Wie immer schön.
on 5. May 2020, 14:13 by DocLogic
Ja, die Felder 2/4 bzw. 3/7 berühren sich an einer Ecke