Parity Party IV
Sudokupad version with embedded solution checker.
Normal Sudoku-X rules apply. That is, in addition to Sudoku rules no digit can repeat along a marked diagonal.
Special rules of Parity Party: A number at the edge of the grid indicates the sum of cells encountered when moving through the grid from that vantage point, UP TO AND INCLUDING the first odd or first even digit. For example, a 15 at the bottom of a column could indicate something like 7-8, 8-7, 1-3-5-6 or 2-6-4-3 (among others) when reading up that column... but not 1-2-3-4-5 or 2-6-3-4 etc. That is, the parity of the farthest digit must deviate from that of the others.
Note: If the clue is less than 10, it might simply indicate the value of the first cell. That is to say, you could be adding up zero odd and one even number, or vice versa.
For this puzzle: the value of 'x' is to be determined, and remains the same for all relevant clues.
As a gentler introduction into the 'Parity Party' genre, I recommend Parity Party Kidoku.
Solution code: The 8th and 9th rows, without commas or spaces
on 29. March 2024, 23:45 by glum_hippo
Sudokupad version
on 6. December 2021, 09:40 by StefanSch
Schönes Rätsel!