Solution code: 2nd and 8th row
on 12. September 2023, 06:04 by CrazyCrypticC
Once you see it, you smile, and it's smooth sailing from there. Nice setting.
on 21. August 2021, 18:52 by Phistomefel
Added tag "Online solving tool".
on 12. August 2021, 14:25 by Prutsbeest
Very nice construction once again. Thank you very much for setting these puzzles!
on 7. December 2020, 22:36 by Phistomefel
Added link to F-Puzzles. Thanks to DiMono!
on 21. September 2020, 15:36 by DiMono
Reproduced it in f-puzzles
on 31. May 2020, 19:58 by Phistomefel
Changed tag.
on 11. April 2020, 17:12 by Phistomefel
Added 'Sudoku' tag.
on 9. April 2020, 20:50 by Rollo
Ein Meisterwerk!
on 8. April 2020, 13:26 by Dandelo
This puzzle shows that there are enough possibilities in the standard variations. I like the new variations too, but this one got 100% with standard killer rules. Perfect!
And even those, who prefer non-sudoku puzzles, shouldn't miss this one.
on 8. April 2020, 12:49 by Circleconstant314
Very, VERY nice entry!
on 8. April 2020, 06:28 by Richard
Nice entry.
on 8. April 2020, 04:42 by cdwg2000
Very Nice,Thanks.