Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Kropki-Inseln, Teil 1

(Published on 31. March 2020, 15:00 by pirx)

Rules Nurikabe:
Shade some empty cells black so that all black cells (water) are orthogonally connected with each other, but no 2×2 group of cells is entirely shaded black.
Orthogonally connected areas of white cells form islands. Islands may only touch diagonally.
  • A white dot means that two islands touch diagonally, and the difference of their sizes (in cells) is one.
  • A black dot means that two islands touch diagonally, and one of their sizes is double the value of the other island.
  • All possible dots are given.



Solution code: Row 7 from left to right, column 4 from top to bottom. S for shaded cells, W for white cells.

Last changed on -

Solved by zuzanina, uvo, Dandelo, cdwg2000, Statistica, Zzzyxas, marcmees, Nothere, Rollo, CHalb, Puzzle_Maestro, saskia-daniela, ch1983, Feadoor, adam001, skywalker, jessica6, Joe Average, ibag, derwolf23, ... brimmy, misko, Raistlen, Eierkopp121, darksida, KNT, wooferzfg, Drawoon, Phistomefel, jogerth, TJReds, dragoond, lanark, Jordan Timm, samjna0049, drf93, bereolosp, rubbeng, Aran-Fey, JustinTucker
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on 7. March 2023, 20:39 by Drawoon
penpa+: https://tinyurl.com/2fr5zule

on 31. March 2020, 15:15 by zuzanina
Schöne neue Idee! :-)

Rating:91 %
Solved:96 times
Observed:7 times

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