Sandwich Path #2 - Help the ants escape!
(Published on 27. March 2020, 06:02 by Strosahl)
This uses the same rules as
my previous Sandwich Path puzzle. This one is more difficult, so some might prefer to start with the other one first.
The ants are trapped in the garden now. Help them escape to the sandwich (from green cell to red cell and out to the sandwich)
Standard sandwich sudoku rules apply:
1-9 in every row, column, and 3x3 box. Numbers outside the grid indicate the sum of the digits ‘sandwiched’ between the 1 and 9.
In addition, ants are particular about their path: They always move the number of spaces indicated in the current cell, turn 90 degrees, and repeat the process. Also, the path may NOT cross itself, but adjacent cells CAN be part of the path.
Finally, in this puzzle, some of the cells and sandwich clues have been coded with the letters A, N, T, and S.
(For clarity, the clues for row 9 and column 9 are the number 5, not the letter S)
Solution code: Digits along the path where ants turn (including the numbers in the green and red cells at the start and end)
Solved by Joe Average, cdwg2000, Julianl, ManuH, Nylimb, geronimo92, marcmees, sf2l, Realshaggy, skywalker, moss, SirWoezel, Uhu, ch1983, SlowLarry, NikolaZ, rimodech, Mody, zorant, AnnaTh, saskia-daniela, Eggr, thewaxynoodle, tuace, Dotty, Zzzyxas, Madmahogany, ildiko, ArchonE, Djmelee3000, dandbdi, GD20
on 5. April 2020, 10:58 by Mody
Tolle Kombination
on 30. March 2020, 20:54 by ch1983
Tolles Rätsel, vielen Dank!
on 28. March 2020, 15:37 by Strosahl
@Nylimb Glad you enjoyed it! It's fun to see another name I recognize from 'Cracking the Cryptic' here too. ;)
on 27. March 2020, 18:23 by Nylimb
Thanks for this clever, challenging puzzle!