Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

10-in-9 sandwich sudoku

(Published on 26. March 2020, 10:16 by Nylimb)

This is a variant of a sandwich sudoku, in which some cells contain 2-digit numbers.

Fill the grid with 1-digit and 2-digit numbers, so that every row, column, and 3x3 box contains each of the 10 digits, from 0 to 9, exactly once: Eight cells contain 1-digit numbers, and the other cell contains a 2-digit number (from 10 to 98).

A number next to a row or column gives the sum of all numbers between the largest and smallest numbers in that row or column. (This seems like a natural generalization of the usual sandwich sudoku rule.) For example, if a row contains 4, 1, 5, 8, 2, 7, 60, 3, and 9, then the largest number is 60, the smallest is 1, and the sandwich sum is 5+8+2+7 = 22.

Note that you could reverse the digits of any 2-digit number in the grid (if it doesn't end with 0), without changing the sandwich sums. So for this puzzle, and especially for the solution code, there's an additional rule to avoid such ambiguity: In every 2-digit number the tens digit is larger than the ones digit; e.g. 73 can occur but 37 cannot.

The puzzle is available on Penpa.

Solution code: Column 4 and column 5. Include both digits of the 2-digit numbers.

Last changed on on 7. November 2020, 00:07

Solved by cdwg2000, ManuH, marcmees, rimodech, Nothere, sf2l, Statistica, Circleconstant314, Realshaggy, Puzzle_Maestro, Player, Julianl, AnnaTh, Mody, Strosahl, HaSe, ch1983, Phistomefel, zuzanina, tuace, ... geronimo92, Narayana, pdebruine, L77059, 9797, ffricke, 97johny, matter, boredduck, Mitchsa, moss, harrison, BARTE, polar, sandmoppe, CastleSheepside, ptown, Vebby, mnasti2, KlausRG, OGRussHood
Full list


on 7. November 2020, 00:07 by Nylimb
Added 10-in-9 tag again, because it disappeared for some reason.

on 22. October 2020, 23:47 by Nylimb
Added Penpa link.

on 26. June 2020, 21:25 by ffricke
Wieder ein sehr gelunges 10 in 9 Sudoku

on 10. June 2020, 11:26 by Nylimb
I'm working to add all relevant tags to my puzzles. For some reason there are 3 different ones for sandwich sudokus, so I've added all 3.

on 13. May 2020, 23:08 by zhergan
Great puzzle. Thanks..

on 5. May 2020, 16:10 by Madmahogany
Brilliant puzzle! Completely different type of thinking needed for this!

on 8. April 2020, 06:53 by Nylimb
Added 10-in-9 tag.

on 30. March 2020, 11:15 by ch1983
Thank you very much, great solving experience!

on 30. March 2020, 00:45 by HaSe

on 29. March 2020, 14:35 by Mody
Total klasse

on 27. March 2020, 19:04 by Circleconstant314
Incredible puzzle setting!

on 26. March 2020, 19:38 by Nothere
Amazing, thank you!

Rating:98 %
Solved:50 times
Observed:9 times

Puzzle variant Arithmetic puzzle

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