Solution code: The sizes of the area outside of the loop sorted in ascending order
on 28. May 2024, 20:04 by Piatato
Great fun, thanks!
on 29. August 2021, 18:19 by dissonance
Nice puzzle, very enjoyable.
Thanks for sharing.
By the way, I 'm new to this, I didn't try to bifurcate.
With just pure logic, I have a hard time to understand
how this puzzle can be rated easy.
on 21. August 2021, 18:55 by Phistomefel
Added tag "Online solving tool".
on 11. August 2021, 19:46 by uvo
@Prutsbeest: I'm quite sure there is only one solution.
on 9. April 2021, 08:22 by Eggr
Nice slitherlink variant.
Thanks for adding the penpa link, much appreciated.
on 20. December 2020, 13:37 by Phistomefel
Added Penpa link.
on 7. September 2020, 17:31 by DukeBG
I enjoyed this puzzle a lot (love slitherlink, though I only today learned its official name, knew it as "loopy" before). It's solvable without bifurcation, though I don't think the difficulty rating is correct for that solution path at all. Did people really solve it quickly by bifurcation and then decided it's "easy"? :/
on 17. August 2020, 03:46 by ArchonE
I've always enjoyed Slitherlink, though eventually you learn all the patterns and just speed through. This puzzle was such a great twist on it and had some awesome logic along the way. I know I'm late to the party, but I had a lot of fun solving this!
on 4. May 2020, 18:36 by Realshaggy
The usual flaws of the rating system unfortunately. If the number of solvers gets bigger, the rating gets lower, and that usual happens faster for easier puzzles. Also, if the logic is hard to find, but the puzzle type is easy to bifurcate, some people tend to do that and then rate it down regardless of their lazyness. But 84% is still 1/3 very good, 2/3 good ratings. Another problem is that the upper end of the scale is hopelessly inflated and therefore people are disappointed by anything less than 90%. It’s hard to come up with something better and change something after 12 years.
on 4. May 2020, 18:01 by Puzzle_Maestro
It's a shame that this puzzle wasn't well received. If it was, maybe Phistomefel would have made lots more non-sudoku puzzles by now!
on 15. March 2020, 23:05 by Phistomefel
Formulierung präzisiert. Danke an Statistica!
on 15. March 2020, 09:49 by Phistomefel
@rob: Dankeschön! :) Und danke für den Tipp für einen alternativen Lösungscode. Ich hatte mich dabei an den Rundweg-Rätseln orientiert, die in der Puzzlewiki verlinkt sind und anscheinend aus der Prä-Uhrzeigersinn-Ära stammen. ;)
on 15. March 2020, 09:30 by rob
Super Rätsel, danke!
(Die Außengebiete im Uhrzeigersinn wie hier üblich wäre mir lieber gewesen, das kann man leichter ablesen.)