(Published on 10. March 2020, 16:45 by Phistomefel)
This puzzle is a classical killer sudoku.
The usual sudoku rules apply. An area surrounded by a dashed line is called a cage. A number in the upper left corner of a cage indicates the sum of the digits within the cage. Digits may not repeat within a cage.
Solution code: 5th row and 5th column
Last changed on on 31. May 2020, 19:59
Solved by Statistica, Joe Average, zuzanina, jessica6, Nylimb, marcmees, ManuH, tuace, Julianl, cdwg2000, Fredo, dm_litv, ropeko, Matt, Ragna, Mody, lutzreimer, moss, Realshaggy, Nothere, bob, siuminaga, ... Bobbobert, janedoe, mezkur7, Jdt112, Sewerin, Calesch, martinsb, karlmortenlunna, isajo4002, SeveNateNine, zzw, Onyx, by81996672, KNT, spientia, ryanprobably, TheNineElements, koolthing, sockerbecca
on 12. May 2021, 07:04 by Vebby
Link to solve on Penpa Plus: https://git.io/JsUzE
on 31. May 2020, 19:59 by Phistomefel
Changed tag.
on 12. March 2020, 08:35 by Statistica
V-Killer hört sich aber echt gefährlich(er) an. Gerade in diesen Zeiten ;-)
on 12. March 2020, 00:21 by Phistomefel
Name zu V-Killer-Sudoku geändert. Danke an Mody!
on 12. March 2020, 00:20 by Phistomefel
@mody: Da hast du natürlich recht - ich hatte wohl die Pentominos verwechselt.
on 11. March 2020, 22:03 by Realshaggy
on 11. March 2020, 16:55 by Mody
Sieht eher nach einem V-Killer-Sudoku aus ;)
on 11. March 2020, 04:27 by Fredo
A nice construction!