Solution code: Row 5
on 11. February 2023, 16:53 by zrbakhtiar
on 17. April 2020, 06:35 by Richard
Nice idea!
on 8. March 2020, 23:27 by Joe Average
:-) Eine sich wiederholende Kette... wiederholt sich in beide Richtungen.
on 8. March 2020, 12:33 by Rollo
@flaemmchen: probier es aus
on 8. March 2020, 11:41 by flaemmchen
Läuft die Schleife rechts oder links herum?
on 7. March 2020, 22:08 by Circleconstant314
This was an enjoyable sudoku! The solve was pretty good. Just one thing here, it took me longer to solve this because I kept confusing which digits were which digits since they looked so similar. Next time, please choose a font where the digits look more different. Other than that, great puzzle!
on 7. March 2020, 21:23 by Strosahl
Fixed part of the description that was missing. I should have known better than to use a less than symbol in HTML... Sorry!
on 7. March 2020, 19:38 by Joe Average
Es ist ein geschlossener Loop mit einer sich wiederholenden Zahlenfolge, und die Länge der Zahlenfolge ist kleiner 9.
It's a closed loop with a repeating series of digits, and the length of that series is smaller than 9.