Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

10-in-9 killer sudoku #3

(Published on 11. February 2020, 22:35 by Nylimb)

This is a variant of a killer sudoku, in which some cells contain 2-digit numbers.

Fill the grid with 1-digit and 2-digit numbers, so that every row, column, and 3x3 box contains each of the 10 digits, from 0 to 9, exactly once: Eight cells contain 1-digit numbers, and the other cell contains a 2-digit number (from 10 to 98).

In each cage indicated by the dotted lines, the number at the top left is the sum of the numbers in the cage. Also, no digit can occur more than once in a cage, whether it's alone in a cell or part of a 2-digit number.

In my previous puzzles of this type, there were some cages whose sums were so large that they must contain a 2-digit number, or so small that they could only contain 1-digit numbers. This puzzle has no such cages; no single cage gives any information about where the 2-digit numbers are located. Nevertheless, there is a logical path to the solution.

I think this puzzle is harder to solve than either 10-in-9 killer sudoku #1 or 10-in-9 killer sudoku #2. It was certainly harder to create.

The puzzle is available on Penpa.

Solution code: Row 2 and column 2. Include both digits of the 2-digit numbers.

Last changed on on 21. October 2020, 20:47

Solved by cdwg2000, sf2l, Ragna, Julianl, Realshaggy, Nothere, Sango, marcmees, jessica6, ManuH, Mody, ch1983, zuzanina, moss, Statistica, HaSe, pokerke, ropeko, tuace, r45, AnnaTh, Circleconstant314, ffricke, ... NikolaZ, zorant, pandiani42, nordloc, matter, LurkingFrog, harrison, polar, CastleSheepside, dissonance, PixelPlucker, Vebby, misko, peacherwu2, Myxo, Playmaker6174, Las4one, steeto, Lyun Licuss
Full list


on 4. February 2025, 15:18 by steeto
Beautiful puzzle! I'm glad to take this as my 500th 5-star puzzle solved.

on 26. November 2023, 22:57 by Playmaker6174
Absolutely amazing setting! Everything just clicks together in such a wonderful and satisfying way ;)

on 26. November 2023, 22:55 by Myxo
Wonderful puzzle, absolutely loved this :)

on 14. January 2023, 16:26 by peacherwu2
Simon would love the deductions. I got lucky at my 2nd shot. Amazing puzzle!

on 10. June 2022, 19:38 by Vebby
Amazing construction! Very satisfying to solve.

on 29. December 2021, 11:28 by PixelPlucker
This has been a fascinating series. Thanks! :)

on 6. November 2021, 07:50 by dissonance
Very hard puzzle and great execution.
Nicely done, thanks for sharing.

on 21. October 2020, 20:47 by Nylimb
The 10-in-9 tag disappeared from several of my puzzles, so I'm adding it again.

on 12. October 2020, 20:36 by Nylimb
Fixed penpa link.

on 12. October 2020, 20:35 by Nylimb
Added penpa link.

on 12. June 2020, 13:14 by Nylimb
I'm trying to add all relevant tags to my puzzles. There are 4 tags for killer sudokus, so I've added all of them.

on 8. April 2020, 06:53 by Nylimb
Added 10-in-9 tag.

on 5. March 2020, 19:34 by AnnaTh
Soo much fun! Thank you.

on 13. February 2020, 16:49 by Nylimb
@jessica6: In your second paragraph you listed 10 and 19 as possibilities, and your 0+2 reasoning makes 10 impossible. But 19 is possible.

on 12. February 2020, 22:15 by Realshaggy

Last changed on 12. February 2020, 09:33

on 12. February 2020, 09:32 by cdwg2000
Thanks.So crazy puzzle! The design is very clever!It has a unique set of solutions, and at the same time, the logical path to solve the problem is unique!

Rating:99 %
Solved:45 times
Observed:10 times

Puzzle variant Arithmetic puzzle

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