Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Killer Sandwich

(Published on 6. February 2020, 22:14 by Phistomefel)

This puzzle is a mix of a sandwich sudoku and a killer sudoku.

The usual sudoku rules apply. An area surrounded by a dashed line is called a cage. Digits may not repeat within a cage. If there is a gray clue cell in a cage, it has to contain a number. This number can also be two-digit or 0. In the case of a two-digit number, neither of the two digits may be repeated within the cage. Thus, the numbers 11, 22 and 33 are not allowed. A number in the upper left corner of a cage indicates the sum of the numbers contained in the cage.

A number in a gray clue cell outside the sudoku grid indicates the sum of the numbers between 1 and 9 in that row or column. A star in a gray cell indicates that it contains a two-digit number.

The puzzle is also available online via Penpa Plus. Many thanks to vebby for the link!

Solution code: 6th and 9th column.

Last changed on on 21. August 2021, 19:01

Solved by cdwg2000, ch1983, Julianl, marcmees, rimodech, sf2l, siuminaga, tuace, Joe Average, Sango, Realshaggy, Statistica, azalozni, cornuto, uvo, zorant, KlausRG, AnnaTh, moss, HaSe, skywalker, ropeko, ... StephenR, Piatato, wunder108, CrazyCrypticC, Bobbobert, Sewerin, martinsb, karlmortenlunna, isajo4002, wisty, SeveNateNine, by81996672, KNT, Pasithea, Muhammad, ryanprobably, matter, steeto, SXH
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on 26. May 2024, 21:39 by KNT
super interesting to see how perceived difficulty has changed over time - by todays standards this is nowhere near a 5, in my opinion :-)

great puzzle!!

on 23. March 2024, 09:26 by isajo4002
link doesn't work so i made my own https://sudokupad.app/e90n5p49x5
also great puzzle love the start even though i broke it too many times

on 5. September 2023, 11:42 by CrazyCrypticC
I've got to say - I messed up. A lot. And I restarted. A lot. My habits and assumptions got the better of me, but I did eventually get there. Brilliant setting. I can't imagine trying to keep things straight in my head to set this.

on 22. April 2023, 23:57 by StephenR
Beautiful construction, thanks. Every time I thought there was no way of making progress eventually I was able to find a breadcrumb.

on 18. October 2021, 19:43 by dissonance
Very original puzzle, thanks for sharing.

on 21. August 2021, 19:01 by Phistomefel
Added tag "Online solving tool".

on 10. August 2021, 20:34 by Prutsbeest
Very original new take on killer sandwich. Thank you very much for setting these wonderful puzzles!

on 17. May 2021, 12:08 by Phistomefel
Added link. Many thanks to vebby!

on 11. May 2021, 14:42 by Vebby
Link to solve on Penpa Plus: https://git.io/JsvMF

on 3. October 2020, 09:44 by udukos
Thanks a lot for this awesome puzzle! This puzzle gave me an idea a few days back, so I am stealing this concept. :)

on 12. March 2020, 14:51 by Circleconstant314
@Phistomefel: And just like that, I was able to solve it! What a great sudoku!

on 12. March 2020, 13:30 by Phistomefel
@Circleconstant314: Yes, this rule is as in Nylimb's 10-in-9 sudokus.

on 12. March 2020, 13:00 by Circleconstant314
By "in the case of a two-digit number, neither of the two digits may be repeated within the cage", is this the same rule as in Nylimb's 10-in-9 killer sudokus? Example: puzzle ID 00036V. I take it that's how it works.

on 25. February 2020, 10:30 by Phistomefel
Guter Punkt, Mody. Der Stern ist tasächlich kein Platzhalter für eine Zahl, sondern sagt nur aus, dass in diesem Feld eine zweistellige Zahl ist. Der Stern ist nur oben links, damit man nach dem Ausdrucken im Feld noch genügend Platz hat.

on 25. February 2020, 10:08 by Mody
Nochmal eine Nachfrage zu dem Stern. Er steht links oben, muss also eine Summe repräsentieren oder? Da diese Summe mindestens 36+0 sein muss (acht Sudokufelder plus ein graues), verstehe ich nicht, wieso der Stern auch einstellig sein könnte.

on 20. February 2020, 13:28 by ropeko
@Ragna: Nein, weisse Felder dürfen keine Null enthalten. Nur in den grauen Feldern ist eine Null möglich. Eher „unübliche“ Sudokus erlauben das ;)

on 17. February 2020, 20:50 by skywalker
Beautiful puzzle!!!

on 8. February 2020, 02:51 by sf2l
wow. what a monster.

on 8. February 2020, 00:00 by marcmees
the star added made a difference. Great puzzle. thanks

Last changed on 7. February 2020, 17:57

on 7. February 2020, 17:56 by Realshaggy
Sorry , das war ein totaler Denkfehler von mir. Ja, da könnte sonst auch etwas einstelliges stehen. Freu mich auf das Rätsel .

on 7. February 2020, 17:47 by Phistomefel
Specified the rules. Thanks to Realshaggy for pointing out an imprecision!

on 7. February 2020, 17:42 by Phistomefel
@Realshaggy: Dankeschön für den Tipp! Da hatte ich (wieder einmal) nicht gut genug aufgepasst. Ja, die Hinweisfelder müssen eine Zahl enthalten. Ich ergänze es gleich in der Anleitung. Nur sehe ich gerade leider nicht, warum dadurch der Stern redundant wird. Es gäbe ja sonst auch die Möglichkeit, dass im betroffenen Hinweisfeld eine einstellige Zahl steht.

on 7. February 2020, 17:26 by Realshaggy
Das Rätsel ist sicher so toll wie immer, aber trotzdem noch eine kurze Nachfrage: dürfen graue Hinweisfelder in Käfigen leer bleiben? Wenn ja, sollte man das fairerweise denke ich extra erwähnen. Wenn nein, ist der neu eingefügte Stern ziemlich redundant, deswegen tendiere ich eher zu Ja, bin aber nicht sicher. Früher hatten wir solche Spitzfindigkeiten hier öfter, in den letzten Jahren sind sie ziemlich aus der Mode gekommen.

Last changed on 7. February 2020, 13:19

on 7. February 2020, 13:17 by Phistomefel
Changed the rules to make the solution unique. Many thanks to cdwg2000 and ManuH!

Last changed on 7. February 2020, 12:16

on 7. February 2020, 12:10 by Phistomefel
I am very sorry! You are right, it has multiple solutions, I had a blind spot again when looking at the puzzle. Thank you for testing it and pointing out the problem.

on 7. February 2020, 10:34 by ManuH
Das funktioniert nicht.

Last changed on 7. February 2020, 16:12

on 7. February 2020, 08:24 by cdwg2000

Rating:95 %
Solved:94 times
Observed:14 times

Puzzle combination Online solving tool Arithmetic puzzle

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