Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

ROCK STAR - Buchstabenrätsel

(Published on 5. February 2020, 19:28 by DocLogic)

In the solution are 16 different letters of the 26-letter-alphabet.

Preface: No letter touches an adjacent letter of the alphabet on an edge or corner.

1. The 4 letters of ROCK have to be placed in a way that there is one of these letters in every row and in every column.

2. The 4 letters of STAR have to be placed in a way that there is one of these letters in every row and in every column.

3. In 3 of the 4 corners is a letter of the word HIT.

4. In the 12 outer fields are 6 letters each of both halfs of the complete alphabet.

5. The letter in field b2 is (in the complete alphabet) directly before the letter in field b4.

6. The three letters which are (in the complete alphabet) directly behind the letter in field c2 are not in the solution.

7. The three letters which are (in the complete alphabet) directly behind the letter in field c3 are not in the solution.

8. Only one of the two following statements is true: The N is directly left next to Q. The P is directly left next to H.

9. Only one of the two following statements is true: The T is in column 1. In column 4 is no field with the letter B.

10. Only one of the two following statements is true: The C and the U are in the same column. The B and the Q are both in the solution.

11. Only one of the two following statements is true: The W is in column 1. The R is in column 3.

12. Only one of the two following statements is true: In field c4 is a letter from ROCK. In 2 of the 12 outer fields are the letters K and W.

13. Only two of the three following statements are true: The P is in column 2. In row d is no letter of the word MUSIK. The V is directly diagonally above the M.

Solution code: row after row from left to right

Last changed on on 17. April 2020, 23:39

Solved by Joe Average, Dandelo, ManuH, tuace, uvo, ch1983, marcmees, Nothere, Ragna, zuzanina, moss, Katchoo, Zzzyxas, Alex, zorant, geronimo92, drolli38, advuser, hra2065, ildiko, SKORP17, Nensche777, AnnaTh, Grisinor, janedoe, Jadzia-Dax, celisa, Nr.2, Tiffy011, ffricke, Hippologicus, CH-Resi, SAMT, myothername, Dotty, Lara Croft, Lili Lavender
Full list


on 21. November 2023, 07:58 by Lili Lavender
Cool, das hat gerockt! Tolles Buchstabenrätsel, DANKE!

on 10. February 2023, 13:09 by SAMT
Danke Simona (Enkelin) für die Unterstützung...!

on 17. April 2020, 23:36 by DocLogic
english version added. Enjoy :-)

on 17. April 2020, 23:14 by geronimo92
Possible to get it in english please?

Rating:91 %
Solved:37 times
Observed:3 times

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