Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

EIN PROZENT - Buchstabenrätsel

(Published on 31. January 2020, 18:32 by DocLogic)

Today my first month in this great puzzle community ends. I noticed that with this puzzle, I entered 1% of all puzzles in this portal, and this in only one month: 38 of roughly 3,800 puzzles. So in the puzzle all different letters of "EIN PROZENT ALLER PORTAL RAETSEL IN EINEM MONAT" ("one percent of all Portal puzzles in one month") are included in the solution. Enjoy!

1. No letter touches an adjacent letter of the alphabet on an edge or corner

2. In one row is the word LOS (from left to right without interruption)

3. In every column is one letter of each of the words NOTE, STOP and ZIEL

4. In every row is a letter of OMA

5. Only one of the following two statements is true: In column 2 are two letters of MARS. In field a4 is a letter of ROM

6. Only one of the following two statements is true: The I doesn't touch a letter of ROSEN. The Z doesn't touch a letter of TULPEN

7. Only one of the following two statements is true: In field b3 is a letter of BUNT. In field c2 is a letter of GERN

Solution code: from left to right, row per row

Last changed on on 5. September 2020, 09:29

Solved by Zzzyxas, ch1983, Matt, uvo, moss, Joe Average, sf2l, Ragna, saskia-daniela, ManuH, Nothere, marcmees, Katchoo, Dandelo, Nr.2, zorant, jessica6, pokerke, celisa, tuace, Luigi, Statistica, ropeko, ... Nensche777, advuser, amitsowani, SKORP17, Rollo, AnnaTh, drolli38, janedoe, Grisinor, Jadzia-Dax, night83, Tiffy011, CHalb, eki199, Hippologicus, myothername, Dotty, Lara Croft, Lili Lavender
Full list


on 22. April 2024, 07:42 by Lili Lavender
Sehr schön dieses Rätsel, DANKE :-)

on 2. February 2020, 17:45 by Katchoo
Leider hatte ich zufällig direkt den richtigen Riecher und hab deshalb das Rätsel zu schnell gelöst. :)

on 1. February 2020, 01:01 by Ragna
Schönes Rätsel!
Du bist ja ein Buchstaben-Akrobat! Hat Spaß gemacht :-))

on 31. January 2020, 21:55 by DocLogic
@Dandelo: Danke für den Tipp!

on 31. January 2020, 20:33 by Dandelo
Ich weiß nicht, ob du es schon alles gesehen hast, aber auch für die vielen anderen neuen Löser und Autoren: Neben dem Portal gibt es noch die Wettbewerbs-Engine und das Meisterschaften-Archiv. Zusammen dürften das auch noch mal etwa so viele Rätsel sein wie im Portal. Vielleicht ist es auch für dich eine Option, dort mal einen Buchstabenrätsel-Wettbewerb einzustellen.

on 31. January 2020, 19:11 by DocLogic
english version added

Rating:85 %
Solved:55 times
Observed:3 times

Portal Special

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