Fill the grid with 1-digit and 2-digit numbers, so that every row, column, and 3x3 box contains each of the 10 digits, from 0 to 9, exactly once: Eight cells contain 1-digit numbers, and the other cell contains a 2-digit number (from 10 to 98).
In each cage indicated by the dotted lines, the number at the top left is the sum of the numbers in the cage. Also, no digit can occur more than once in a cage, whether it's alone in a cell or part of a 2-digit number.
I think this puzzle is somewhat more difficult than 10-in-9 killer sudoku #1.
The puzzle is available on Penpa.
Solution code: Row 2 and column 2. Include both digits of the 2-digit numbers.
on 28. December 2021, 19:29 by PixelPlucker
Lovely puzzle! Really enjoyed the variety of logic in this one
on 26. November 2020, 14:12 by jwmpuz
Okay, got it done. Very nice and enjoyable puzzle. And, thanks again for the (sort of secret) detailed guidance.
@jwmpuz: I'm glad you liked it. I have no objection if you want to verify the solution code and get credit for solving it. The fact that you got a hint doesn't negate the fact that you did most of the work to solve it.
on 23. November 2020, 04:32 by jwmpuz
Beautiful puzzle. Alas, multiple attempts have led to multiple failures. Any chance you might post the solution somewhere so I can check to see where and how I am messing up?
@jwmpuz: If you'll post a hidden comment, I'll edit it to add the solution. That way you'll be able to see it, but other people who haven't solved the puzzle won't. Or you could post (in a hidden comment) what you've figured out so far, and I'll try to let you know what's wrong.
on 21. October 2020, 20:46 by Nylimb
The 10-in-9 tag disappeared from several of my puzzles, so I'm adding it again.
on 15. October 2020, 13:43 by Nylimb
Added penpa link.
on 12. June 2020, 13:13 by Nylimb
I'm trying to add all relevant tags to my puzzles. There are 4 tags for killer sudokus, so I've added all of them.
on 8. April 2020, 06:53 by Nylimb
Added 10-in-9 tag.
on 4. February 2020, 13:01 by jessica6
on 1. February 2020, 16:14 by Mody
on 1. February 2020, 00:19 by Ragna
Wonderful puzzle!
Please more more more :-))
on 31. January 2020, 00:48 by cdwg2000
Incredible puzzle, pure logic!
on 30. January 2020, 22:00 by marcmees
very very nice
on 30. January 2020, 16:37 by cdwg2000
Yes, the cage can contain multiple 2-digit numbers as long as those numbers are in different columns / rows / boxes and no numbers are shared.
on 30. January 2020, 15:46 by sf2l
.....but still solvable !!. Beautiful puzzle with a completely logical solving path
on 30. January 2020, 15:33 by jessica6
Is it possible for a cage to contain more than one 2-digit number, as long as those numbers are in different columns/rows/boxes and no digits are shared?
on 30. January 2020, 13:40 by sf2l
@Nylimb: I think you're right