Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

PATRICK RUCHTI - Buchstabenrätsel

(Published on 24. January 2020, 14:40 by CHalb)

1. All letters of PATRICK and all letters of RUCHTI are in the solution.

2. No letter touches (with its cell) the cell of an alphabetical neighbour (neither with a side nor with a corner of its cell).

3. The cell index numbers of the letters in KIA are not ascending within the word. The letters of KIA are not all arranged in one row or one column.

4. For each letter of HUPT is true: Its position in the alphabet (A=1 ... Z=26) is a real multiple of its cell index number.

5. Exactly three of the adjacent letters in UTAH are knight-steps (Chess) away from each other (U-T-A or T-A-H).

6. TRUCK forms a snakeword: It starts in any cell and the next letter at a time has to be in one of the orthogonally or diagonally adjacent cells.

Remark: HUPT is German for "he/she/it blows a horn".

Solution code: All letters in reading direction

Last changed on on 9. September 2020, 12:21

Solved by saskia-daniela, DocLogic, ManuH, dm_litv, marcmees, jessica6, Matt, uvo, Joe Average, Zzzyxas, tuace, Nylimb, Nothere, ch1983, jirk, sf2l, zorant, lutzreimer, sandmoppe, marsigel, Rollo, Luigi, AnnaTh, zuzanina, moss, skywalker, pokerke, ropeko, Statistica, Alex, Julianl, Mars, ffricke, ildiko, Joo M.Y, SKORP17, NikolaZ, Krümelmonster, drolli38, Ms.Logic-FEAR, Nensche777, Lara Croft
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on 29. March 2021, 04:36 by Modani
Vielen Dank für den Hinweis

on 28. March 2021, 22:34 by CHalb
@Modani: Ihr habt die Bedingung "echtes Vielfaches" nicht richtig interpretiert. Zum Beispiel ist 10 kein echtes Vielfaches von 10, aber 10 ist ein echtes Vielfaches von 1. Ein echtes Vielfaches liegt vor, wenn der Quotient der beiden positiven ganzen Zahlen > 2 ist. Siehe bitte https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vielfaches

on 9. September 2020, 12:21 by CHalb
tag added

Last changed on 24. January 2020, 20:11

on 24. January 2020, 20:10 by CHalb
Ich vermisse in letzter Zeit zunehmend die Möglichkeit, Kommentare per Mausklick mit einem dicken Grinsesmiley zu bewerten.

on 24. January 2020, 19:06 by uvo

on 24. January 2020, 16:00 by DocLogic
Hallo Christian, es ist mir eine große Ehre! Danke!

Rating:74 %
Solved:42 times
Observed:5 times

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