Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Even/Odd Sandwich

(Published on 23. January 2020, 01:52 by Phistomefel)

This puzzle is a sandwich sudoku in which marked fields can only contain even numbers.

The usual Sudoku rules apply. A clue outside the sudoku grid indicates the sum of the digits that are in the corresponding column or row between the fields with the 1 and the 9 (the fields with the 1 and 9 do not count towards this sum).

If a regular field is marked blue, it contains an even digit. If a clue field outside of the sudoku grid is marked blue, the clue is an even number. It is also possible that the clue is an even number greater than or equal to 10, but not a 0.

The puzzle is also available online via Penpa Plus. Have fun solving!

Solution code: 2nd row, 4th row

Last changed on on 21. August 2021, 19:03

Solved by cdwg2000, Mody, siuminaga, Julianl, zorant, Statistica, tuace, rimodech, Sango, ManuH, Nothere, r45, adam001, cornuto, Rollo, marcmees, Realshaggy, saskia-daniela, ch1983, karzym, Dean Hickerson, ... CrazyCrypticC, SXH, lmdemasi, P12345, Sewerin, mihel111, mercierus, RubenHofsink, karlmortenlunna, MojoVendor, martinsb, isajo4002, SirWoezel, Onyx, RockyRoer, KNT, sheypex, FifthWorld, EmanueleFWM
Full list


on 2. May 2024, 03:45 by RockyRoer
Thanks for the fun puzzle! Here's a CTC link if anyone wants to use it: https://sudokupad.app/n4jenlaxvd

on 3. September 2023, 22:26 by CrazyCrypticC
There is some very clever logic in this puzzle!

on 21. August 2021, 19:03 by Phistomefel
Added tag "Online solving tool".

on 22. December 2020, 07:55 by Phistomefel
Added Penpa link

on 30. January 2020, 12:01 by AnnaTh

on 24. January 2020, 19:34 by Phistomefel
Name geändert, weil Even Sandwich eine andere Rätselform beschreibt.

on 24. January 2020, 14:55 by Phistomefel
@uvo: Dankeschön! :) Und auch vielen Dank für den Hinweis - dann überlege ich mir einen anderen Namen für das Rätsel.

on 24. January 2020, 13:17 by uvo
Beeindruckend, dass das aufgeht - zwischenzeitlich hatte ich alle Hinweise verbraucht und mich gefragt, wie das überhaupt eindeutig werden kann.

Übrigens: Der Name "Even Sandwich Sudoku" ist schon anderweitig vergeben:


on 23. January 2020, 09:22 by Phistomefel

on 23. January 2020, 09:17 by Phistomefel
Keine 0 in blauen Hinweisfeldern.

Rating:91 %
Solved:118 times
Observed:12 times

Variant combination Online solving tool Arithmetic puzzle

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