2. In the solution are all 5 letters of MEISE
3. In one row is the uninterrupted word UNI from left to right
4. No letter touches an adjacent letter of the alphabet on an edge or corner. Same letters also don't touch each other
5. In every column is one letter of MEER
6. The L is not in column 4. In field C4 is no vowel
7. Only one of the two following statements is true: The O is in column 2. In field C3 is a letter of MELBOURNE
8. Only one of the two following statements is true: In field A2 is a letter of MIRJA. In field B2 is a letter of MIKA
9. Only one of the two following statements is true: Two letters of VDO are in one row directly next to each other. In field B3 is no letter of REGINA
10. Only two of the three following statements are true: In field B1 is an E. The K is in one of the 4 Corners. The field with the S doesn't touch any E
Solution code: row after row from left to right
on 22. April 2024, 08:02 by Lili Lavender
Schade, dass der Volker dieses tolle Rätsel verschmäht hat, da hat er wirklich etwas verpasst! Mir hat es SEHR gut gefallen :-)
on 20. April 2020, 16:30 by DocLogic
english version added
on 20. April 2020, 15:44 by geronimo92
English version when possible thanks a lot :)
on 10. February 2020, 10:59 by flaemmchen
Ich hab' da auch so einen Volker, der sich für meine Rätsel-Leidenschaft überhaupt nicht begeistern kann :-))
on 20. January 2020, 18:06 by zuzanina
Vielen Dank, dass du uns nun mit dem Rätsel eine Freude bereitest! :-)