Crypto Skyscraper Sudoku
(Published on 20. January 2020, 05:55 by Phistomefel)
This puzzle is a variant of the sykscraper puzzle, in which additionally the clues must be deciphered.
The usual sudoku rules apply. When you imagine the digits as skyscrapers with according height, the clues on the side indicate, how many skyscrapers one can see from this direction (smaller buildings are covered by larger ones).
The numbers 1 to 9 in the clues were encoded with the letters A to I. Different letters represent different numbers. If there is a letter in the upper left corner of a cell, this cell contains the encrypted number.
The comparison symbols between the cells indicate which of the two cells contains the larger digit.
The puzzle is also available online via
Penpa Plus. Have fun solving!
Solution code: 3rd row, 4th row
Last changed on on 21. August 2021, 19:03
Solved by cdwg2000, Statistica, Luigi, cornuto, Nothere, tuace, dm_litv, jessica6, adam001, zorant, JonaS2010, marcmees, skywalker, Matt, Joe Average, flaemmchen, Julianl, rimodech, azalozni, ch1983, Mody, ... jkl, Bobbobert, asii, Just me, SuWi, CrazyCrypticC, Sewerin, mihel111, mercierus, RubenHofsink, P12345, karlmortenlunna, martinsb, glum_hippo, isajo4002, SirWoezel, Onyx, KNT, EmanueleFWM, harrison
on 20. March 2024, 13:09 by glum_hippo
Nice puzzle, very much enjoyed that. Here is a sudokupad link with answer check enabled:
on 3. September 2023, 12:01 by CrazyCrypticC
Interesting ruleset. Thank you.
on 21. August 2021, 19:03 by Phistomefel
Added tag "Online solving tool".
on 9. August 2021, 17:28 by Prutsbeest
Very nice, I enjoyed the logic of this Skyscraper variant!
on 22. December 2020, 07:49 by Phistomefel
Added Penpa link.
on 22. January 2020, 17:53 by Phistomefel
Grammatik und Klarstellung
on 20. January 2020, 19:59 by marcmees
a beauty
on 20. January 2020, 09:05 by cdwg2000
It is so amazing that the only solution can be achieved by a logical solution.
on 20. January 2020, 08:56 by Statistica
Toll gemacht!