No letter touches an adjacent letter of the alphabet on an edge or corner.
1. The each 5 letters of CHALB, MANUH and TUACE are to be placed in a way that in every column, one letter of each name appears.
2. The each 4 letters of ALEX, HASE and IBAG are to be placed in a way that in every row, one letter of each name appears.
3. The 3 letters of UVO are in the same row in no given order.
4. The E is not in row a. The N is in a corner field.
5. In the complete alphabet, the letter in a3 comes directly before the letter in c3.
6. In the complete alphabet, the letter in b1 comes directly before the letter in b3.
7. In the complete alphabet, the letter in d2 comes directly before the letter in d4.
8. The letters I, J, R, X, Z are in the colums 1 - 5 in one of these orders (but maybe in different rows): I-J-Z-X-R or X-Z-J-R-I or Z-R-I-J-X.
9. Only one of the two following statements is true: In a3 is a letter of LOGIC MASTERS. In row d is at least one letter of JOE AVERAGE.
10. Only one of the two following statements is true: The A is in field c2. In field b5 is a letter of UVO.
11. Only one of the two following statements is true: In field b1 is a letter of RIMODECH. In field c3 is a letter of RAGNA.
12. Only one of the two following statements is true: The C is directly above the V. The M is in a corner field.
Solution code: row after row, letters from left to right
on 26. April 2020, 10:12 by DocLogic
english version added
on 21. April 2020, 03:42 by geronimo92
Please an english possible version? Thanks a lot
on 25. March 2020, 13:38 by Alex
super! Jetzt erst gefunden.
on 21. January 2020, 09:33 by CHalb
Naja, nicht Mitglieder des Vereins, aber Mitglieder unserer Portalgemeinschaft.
on 21. January 2020, 08:03 by Statistica
Hübsch. Der Titel stimmt aber nicht. Die Genannten sind (leider) nicht alles Mitglieder... ;-)
on 20. January 2020, 16:05 by ManuH
Danke, dass ich Teil dieses schönen Rätsels sein darf!
on 20. January 2020, 01:02 by jessica6
@Joe, Ragna: dito
on 20. January 2020, 00:09 by Ragna
Meine auch :)
Auch wenn es nur ein kurzer Besuch war... ;)
Ein tolles Rätsel.
Vielen Dank!
on 19. January 2020, 10:59 by Joe Average
Meine erste namentliche Erwähnung in einem Rätsel, vielen Dank !