Solution code: Die Größe der Außengebiete im Uhrzeigersinn, oben links beginnend; X für Außengebiete mit einer Größe von mindestens zehn Feldern.
on 2. September 2021, 18:11 by uvo_mod
Labels angepasst.
on 28. January 2020, 22:16 by AlSantsu
Yeah! After understanding the rules it is pretty easy. Thanks for the help.
on 28. January 2020, 17:05 by AlSantsu
Ow, now I think I understood! Again, thank you very much!
on 28. January 2020, 16:58 by Dandelo
A large example is at
and the solution at
on 28. January 2020, 16:53 by tuace
And...a segment has the length of an edge and does not extend from number to number ;)
on 28. January 2020, 16:49 by Dandelo
You still miss the point. Any number refers to the loop, not to other numbers.
E.g. a 5 means, that
1. the loop has to use the node with the 5 and
2. if you look at the 5 segments from this node in one direction and the 5 segments from this node in the other direction, their geometrical shapes are congruent (a rotation or reflection which leaves the 5 at its place) and
3. If you look at the first 6 segments in both directions, they don't have this property
on 28. January 2020, 14:45 by AlSantsu
Thank you very much @Dandelo! But, in the example, there is a 1 connecting with a 5, and from the 1 there is a segment of two length going down and a one length going left, I think I still don't understand it very well. LOL
Maybe, if you give me the solution to I can figure out better.
on 28. January 2020, 08:34 by Dandelo
The segments have to be congruent, not the numbers. The numbers give only the length of the segments.
In the rules of LM Quali 2019 you find a small example with solution:
on 28. January 2020, 07:16 by AlSantsu
I don't understand the rules. For example, if I have 2----3--1, can I connect each other because I use 2-- to connect to --3, and 3- to connect to -1? Can I connect 1---2---1 each other?