2. In the solution are all 4 letters of KALT
3. Preface: No letter touches an adjacent letter of the alphabet on an edge or corner
4. In every row and every column is one vowel
5. The field index numbers of the existing letters of KULT are rising within the word (but not necessarily directly one after the other)
6. Only one of the two following statements is true: In field 3 is no vowel. In field 9 is no consonant
7. Only one of the three following statements is true: The K is not in the top row. The T is not in the Bottom row. The U is not in the top row
8. Only two of the three following statements are true: The sum of the field index numbers of A and A is not 8. The sum of the field index numbers of J and N is not odd. The sum of the field index numbers of KUR is not smaller than 13
Solution code: row after row from left to right
on 9. January 2024, 14:53 by Lili Lavender
So viele NICHT und KEIN! Da brauchte es nicht keine KONZENTRATION :-)
on 24. November 2020, 00:00 by Ms.Logic-FEAR
Nice, nice :))) Auch wenn Negierungen fies sind :P :)))
on 20. April 2020, 16:17 by DocLogic
english version added
on 20. April 2020, 15:45 by geronimo92
English version when possible thanks a lot :)
on 21. January 2020, 10:29 by sf2l
very tricky. those "two out of 3 denied denials" drove me crazy
on 6. January 2020, 17:59 by AnnaTh
Herrlich verwirrend!
on 5. January 2020, 13:36 by Zzzyxas
Knoten im Gehirn aufgrund zu vieler Negationen.
on 5. January 2020, 11:36 by DocLogic
@Joe Average: Alles was nicht explizit verboten ist, ist erlaubt :-) Jedes Rätsel ist anders. Viel Spaß!