Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Variables Kropki (WPC 2019 Leftover)

(Published on 24. November 2019, 11:27 by CHalb)

Enter numbers from 1 to 7 into the grid, so that each number appears exactly once in each row and column.

A black dot means that one of the neighboring digits has the double value of the other digit. A white dot means that the difference of the neighboring digits is one. If there is no dot between two cells none of the constraints is valid.

White dots may be blackened.

Solution code: The two main diagonals starting top left and top right.

Solved by derwolf23, uvo, Joe Average, Dandelo, ch1983, Julianl, Matt, Nothere, skywalker, pokerke, Quetzal, sf2l, dm_litv, Krokant, zorant, marcmees, Statistica, cornuto, adam001, Rollo, qw014052, moss, ... tuace, NikolaZ, ffricke, Ours brun, rimodech, ropeko, r45, HaSe, Realshaggy, jessica6, Luigi, mango, azalozni, nicole1303, Schachus, Mars, amitsowani, ildiko, louisa, misko, ibag, Raistlen, Rollie
Full list

Rating:88 %
Solved:60 times
Observed:7 times

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