Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Diagonal Chains (WPC 2019 Leftover)

(Published on 22. November 2019, 15:00 by uvo)

Shade some cells to create diagonal chains. Shaded cells cannot be horizontally or vertically adjacent, and no shaded cell can touch more than two other shaded cells diagonally. Furthermore, there can be no "rings" – each group of diagonally connected shaded cells must have at least one shaded cell with less than two diagonally touching shaded neighbours. Cells with numbers cannot be shaded.

The numbers indicate the sum of the lengths of all such chains where at least one shaded cell is horizontally, vertically or diagonally neighbouring to the numbered cell.

Example with solution:

Solution code: For each marked row the lengths of all groups of unshaded cells from left to right (including numbered cells). In the example, the answer key would be 4, 22, 112.

Last changed on on 26. July 2021, 01:59

Solved by Statistica, ch1983, Quetzal, saskia-daniela, dm_litv, sf2l, kishy72, tuace, pokerke, rimodech, moss, Joe Average, zorant, qw014052, Nothere, HaSe, Mody, pirx, NikolaZ, ffricke, ropeko, r45, Luigi, Zzzyxas, jessica6, skywalker, ildiko, qiuyanzhe, CJK
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on 22. November 2019, 16:22 by Statistica
Vielen Dank dafür!

on 22. November 2019, 15:03 by uvo
So, das war jetzt auch von meiner Seite das letzte WPC Leftover.

Rating:83 %
Solved:29 times
Observed:3 times

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