Then draw a single closed loop passing through all fields not occupied by ships. The loop must make a 90° angle at all black circles and go straight for at least two cells in both directions before turning again. The loop must go straight through all white circles and make a 90° angle in at least one of the neighboring cells.
A black circle may belong to the Masyu or (as a one-field ship) to the battleship-fleet.
Solution code: Row 3 and column 6, from left to right resp. top-down; L for cells with a bend in the loop, I for cells with the loop going right through, and S for ships
on 19. January 2024, 07:09 by KNT
on 28. October 2019, 14:16 by Statistica
Ganz klasse!
on 28. October 2019, 13:10 by tuace
on 28. October 2019, 06:10 by ibag
Toller Einstieg - ein typischer Lupo!
on 27. October 2019, 21:15 by Puzzle_Maestro
Very neat puzzle! Amazing how nicely it resolves with so few givens.